# # Copyright (c) 2014 Kornel Benko # Copyright (c) 2014 Scott Kostyshak # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT # NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # find_package(Perl) find_program(XMLLINT_EXECUTABLE xmllint) if(PERL_FOUND) set(DVI_FORMATS "dvi" "dvi3") set(PDF_FORMATS "pdf" "pdf2" "pdf3" "pdf4" "pdf5") else() set(DVI_FORMATS "dvi") set(PDF_FORMATS "pdf" "pdf2" "pdf3") endif() set(potential_languages "ca" "cs" "da" "de" "el" "es" "eu" "fa" "fr" "gl" "he" "hu" "id" "it" "ja" "ko" "nb" "nl" "pl" "pt" "ro" "ru" "sk" "sl" "sr" "sv" "uk" "zh_CN") # Used to select labels from .*Tests files set(label_chars "[a-zA-Z:_]+") macro(initLangVars varname) foreach(_l ${potential_languages}) set(${varname}_${_l}) endforeach() endmacro() macro(getoutputformats filepath varname format_set) file(STRINGS "${filepath}" lines) # What should we test, if default_output_format is not defined? # For now we test everything ... set(out_formats "xhtml" ${DVI_FORMATS} ${PDF_FORMATS}) foreach(_l ${lines}) if(_l MATCHES "^\\\\default_output_format +\([^ ]+\)") set(_format ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) if(_format STREQUAL "default") set(out_formats "xhtml" ${DVI_FORMATS} ${PDF_FORMATS}) else() set(${format_set} ${_format}) if(_format STREQUAL "pdf2" AND "${filepath}" MATCHES "/doc/") set(out_formats "xhtml" ${DVI_FORMATS} ${PDF_FORMATS}) elseif(_format MATCHES "pdf$") set(out_formats "xhtml" ${PDF_FORMATS}) elseif(_format MATCHES "dvi$") set(out_formats "xhtml" ${DVI_FORMATS}) elseif(_format MATCHES "xhtml") set(out_formats "xhtml") else() # Respect all other output formats # like "eps3" set(out_formats "xhtml" ${_format}) endif() endif() break() endif() endforeach() set(${varname} ${out_formats}) endmacro() macro(findexpr found testname listname rsublabel) set(_found 0) set(tmpsublabel "") foreach(_itrx ${${listname}}) if ("${_itrx}" MATCHES "^Sublabel:") set(tmpsublabel "") string(REGEX REPLACE "^Sublabel:[ \t]*" "" _itrlabels ${_itrx}) string(REGEX MATCHALL ${label_chars} _labels ${_itrlabels}) foreach(subl ${_labels}) if (subl STREQUAL "RESET") set(tmpsublabel "") else() list(APPEND tmpsublabel ${subl}) endif() endforeach() # remove doubles in sublabel list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES tmpsublabel) else() if (_itrx MATCHES "^!\(.*\)$") set(_itr "^${CMAKE_MATCH_1}$") set(_foundval 0) else() set(_itr "^${_itrx}$") set(_foundval 1) endif() if (${testname} MATCHES "${_itr}") set(_found ${_foundval}) break() endif() endif() endforeach() if (${_found}) if (NOT "${tmpsublabel}" STREQUAL "") list(APPEND ${rsublabel} ${tmpsublabel}) endif() endif() set(${found} ${_found}) endmacro() function(join rvalues glue routput) set(locallist ${${rvalues}}) set(removelist "export" "lyx2lyx" "load") foreach(_l ${locallist}) if (depth_${_l} LESS 0) list(APPEND removelist ${_l}) endif() endforeach() list(REMOVE_ITEM locallist ${removelist}) string(REGEX REPLACE "([^\\]|^);" "\\1${glue}" out "${locallist}") set(${routput} ${out} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() macro(maketestname testname inverted listinverted listignored listunreliable listlabels) # initialize output variable set(${inverted} 0) string(REGEX MATCH "\\/[a-z][a-z](_[A-Z][A-Z])?\\/" _v ${${testname}}) if(_v) string(REGEX REPLACE "\\/" "" _v ${_v}) set(listinvertedx ${listinverted}_${_v}) set(listignoredx ${listignored}_${_v}) set(listunreliablex ${listunreliable}_${_v}) set(listsuspendedx suspendedTests_${_v}) else() set(listinvertedx ${listinverted}) set(listignoredx ${listignored}) set(listunreliablex ${listunreliable}) set(listsuspendedx suspendedTests) endif() set(sublabel "${${listlabels}}") findexpr(mfound ${testname} ${listignoredx} sublabel) if (NOT mfound) set(sublabel2 "") findexpr(foundunreliable ${testname} ${listunreliablex} sublabel2) if (foundunreliable) set(sublabel "unreliable" ${sublabel} ${sublabel2}) list(REMOVE_ITEM sublabel "export" "inverted" "templates" "mathmacros" "manuals" "autotests") endif() string(REGEX MATCH "(^check_load|_(systemF|texF|pdf3|pdf2|pdf|dvi|lyx[0-9][0-9]|xhtml)$)" _v ${${testname}}) # check if test _may_ be in listinverted set(sublabel2 "") if (_v) findexpr(mfound ${testname} ${listinvertedx} sublabel2) else() set(mfound OFF) endif() if (mfound) set(sublabel3 "") findexpr(foundsuspended ${testname} ${listsuspendedx} sublabel3) set(${inverted} 1) if (foundsuspended) set(sublabel "suspended" ${sublabel} ${sublabel2} ${sublabel3}) list(REMOVE_ITEM sublabel "export" "inverted" ) else() set(sublabel "inverted" ${sublabel} ${sublabel2} ${sublabel3}) endif() else() set(${inverted} 0) endif() list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES sublabel) if (NOT sublabel STREQUAL "") join(sublabel "." tmpprefixx) if (tmpprefixx) string(TOUPPER "${tmpprefixx}_" tmpprefix) else() set(tmpprefix "") endif() set(${testname} "${tmpprefix}${${testname}}") set(${listlabels} ${sublabel}) endif() else() # No testname because ignored set(${testname} "") endif() endmacro() macro(loadTestList filename resList depth splitlangs) # Create list of strings from a file without comments # ENCODING parameter is a new feature in cmake 3.1 initLangVars(${resList}) initLangVars("sublabel") if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "3.1") file(STRINGS ${filename} tempList ENCODING "UTF-8") else() file(STRINGS ${filename} tempList) endif() set(${resList}) set(sublabel) set(mylabels "") set(languages "") message(STATUS "Reading list ${filename}") foreach(_l ${tempList}) set(_newl "${_l}") string(REGEX REPLACE "[ \t]+$" "" _newl "${_l}") string(REGEX REPLACE "[ \t]*#.*$" "" _newl "${_l}") if(_newl) list(APPEND ${resList} "${_newl}") if (_newl MATCHES "^Sublabel:") string(REGEX REPLACE "^Sublabel:[ \t]*" "" _newlabels ${_newl}) string(REGEX MATCHALL "([0-9]*${label_chars})" _labels ${_newlabels}) foreach(labname ${_labels}) if (NOT labname STREQUAL "RESET") list(APPEND mylabels ${labname}) endif() endforeach() list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES mylabels) set(sublabel ${_newl}) else() if (${splitlangs} MATCHES "ON") string(REGEX REPLACE "(\\/|\\||\\(|\\))" " " _vxx ${_newl}) string(REGEX MATCHALL " ([a-z][a-z](_[A-Z][A-Z])?) " _vx ${_vxx}) else() set(_vx OFF) endif() if(_vx) foreach(_v ${_vx}) string(REGEX REPLACE " " "" _v ${_v}) #message(STATUS " ==> ${resList}_${_v}") #message(STATUS "sublabel = ${sublabel}, sublabel_${_v} = ${sublabel_${_v}}") if (NOT sublabel STREQUAL "${sublabel_${_v}}") list(APPEND ${resList}_${_v} "${sublabel}") set(sublabel_${_v} "${sublabel}") #message(STATUS "Setting variable sublabel_${_v} with \"${sublabel}\"") endif() list(APPEND ${resList}_${_v} "${_newl}") list(APPEND languages ${_v}) endforeach() list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES languages) #message(STATUS "languages = ${languages}") endif() endif() endif() endforeach() foreach(_l1 ${mylabels}) if (_l1 MATCHES "^([0-9]+)(${label_chars})$") set(_l ${CMAKE_MATCH_2}) set(depth1 ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) else() set(_l ${_l1}) set(depth1 "0") endif() list(FIND known_labels ${_l} _ff) if (_ff GREATER -1) message(STATUS "Label \"${_l}\" already in use. Reused in ${filename}") else() assignLabelDepth(${depth}${depth1} ${_l}) endif() endforeach() foreach(_lg ${languages}) # reset label for each used language string at end of file #message(STATUS "Resetting variable sublabel_${_lg}, previously set to ${sublabel_${_lg}}") set(sublabel_${_lg} "") endforeach() endmacro() # This labels should not be used in .*Tests files set(known_labels "") # Create depth info to each label macro(assignLabelDepth depth) foreach(_lab ${ARGN}) list(APPEND known_labels ${_lab}) set(depth_${_lab} ${depth}) endforeach() endmacro() assignLabelDepth(0 "export" "key" "layout" "load" "lyx2lyx" "module" "roundtrip" "url") assignLabelDepth(1 "unreliable" "inverted") assignLabelDepth(2 "suspended") assignLabelDepth(-1 "examples" "manuals" "mathmacros" "templates" "autotests") loadTestList(invertedTests invertedTests 7 ON) loadTestList(ignoredTests ignoredTests 0 ON) loadTestList(suspendedTests suspendedTests 6 ON) loadTestList(unreliableTests unreliableTests 5 ON) loadTestList(ignoreLatexErrorsTests ignoreLatexErrorsTests 8 OFF) foreach(libsubfolderx autotests/export lib/doc lib/examples lib/templates autotests/mathmacros) set(testlabel "export") if (libsubfolderx MATCHES "lib/doc") list(APPEND testlabel "manuals") elseif (libsubfolderx MATCHES "lib/examples") list(APPEND testlabel "examples") elseif (libsubfolderx MATCHES "lib/templates") list(APPEND testlabel "templates") elseif (libsubfolderx MATCHES "autotests/mathmacros") list(APPEND testlabel "mathmacros") elseif (libsubfolderx MATCHES "autotests/.+") list(APPEND testlabel "autotests") endif() set(LIBSUB_SRC_DIR "${TOP_SRC_DIR}/${libsubfolderx}") string(REGEX REPLACE "^(lib|development|autotests)/" "" libsubfolder "${libsubfolderx}") set(LIBSUB_SRC_DIR "${TOP_SRC_DIR}/${libsubfolderx}") message(STATUS "Handling export dir ${LIBSUB_SRC_DIR}") file(GLOB_RECURSE lyx_files RELATIVE "${LIBSUB_SRC_DIR}" "${LIBSUB_SRC_DIR}/*.lyx") list(SORT lyx_files) # Now create 2 lists. One for files in a language dir, one without set(lang_lyx_files) set(nolang_lyx_files) foreach(f ${lyx_files}) if (${f} MATCHES "#") # Do nothing, probably wrong temporary file else() string(REGEX MATCHALL "^[a-z][a-z](_[A-Z][A-Z])?\\/" _v ${f}) if(_v) list(APPEND lang_lyx_files ${f}) else() list(APPEND nolang_lyx_files ${f}) endif() endif() endforeach() foreach(f ${nolang_lyx_files} ${lang_lyx_files}) # Strip extension string(REGEX REPLACE "\\.lyx$" "" f ${f}) foreach(_lyx_format_num 16 21 22 23) set(TestName "export/${libsubfolder}/${f}_lyx${_lyx_format_num}") set(mytestlabel ${testlabel} "lyx2lyx" "load") maketestname(TestName inverted invertedTests ignoredTests unreliableTests mytestlabel) if(TestName) add_test(NAME ${TestName} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${LYX_HOME}" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DLYX_ROOT=${LIBSUB_SRC_DIR} -DLYX_TESTS_USERDIR=${LYX_TESTS_USERDIR} -Dlyx=$ -DWORKDIR=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${LYX_HOME} -DLYX_USERDIR_VER=${LYX_USERDIR_VER} -Dformat=lyx${_lyx_format_num}x -Dextension=${_lyx_format_num}.lyx -DLYX_FORMAT_NUM=${_lyx_format_num} -Dfile=${f} -Dinverted=${inverted} -DTOP_SRC_DIR=${TOP_SRC_DIR} -DPERL_EXECUTABLE=${PERL_EXECUTABLE} -P "${TOP_SRC_DIR}/development/autotests/export.cmake") setmarkedtestlabel(${TestName} ${mytestlabel}) endif() endforeach() if(LYX_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE) set(lyx2lyxtestlabel "lyx2lyx") # For use of lyx2lyx we need the python executable set(mytestlabel ${lyx2lyxtestlabel}) set(TestName "lyx2lyx/${libsubfolder}/${f}") maketestname(TestName inverted invertedTests ignoredTests unreliableTests mytestlabel) if(TestName) add_test(NAME ${TestName} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${LYX_HOME}" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} "-DLYX_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE=${LYX_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}" "-DLYX2LYX=${TOP_SRC_DIR}/lib/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx" "-DLYX_TESTS_USERDIR=${LYX_TESTS_USERDIR}" "-DLYXFILE=${LIBSUB_SRC_DIR}/${f}.lyx" -P "${TOP_SRC_DIR}/development/autotests/lyx2lyxtest.cmake") setmarkedtestlabel(${TestName} ${mytestlabel}) endif() endif() set(loadtestlabel "load") set(mytestlabel ${loadtestlabel}) set(TestName "check_load/${libsubfolder}/${f}") maketestname(TestName inverted invertedTests ignoredTests unreliableTests mytestlabel) if(TestName) add_test(NAME ${TestName} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${LYX_HOME}" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DLYXFILE=${LIBSUB_SRC_DIR}/${f}.lyx -DLYX_TESTS_USERDIR=${LYX_TESTS_USERDIR} -Dlyx=$ -DPARAMS_DIR=${TOP_SRC_DIR}/development/autotests -DWORKDIR=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${LYX_HOME} -Dinverted=${inverted} -P "${TOP_SRC_DIR}/development/autotests/check_load.cmake") setmarkedtestlabel(${TestName} ${mytestlabel}) #set_tests_properties(${TestName} PROPERTIES RUN_SERIAL ON) endif() set(default_output_format) getoutputformats("${LIBSUB_SRC_DIR}/${f}.lyx" formatlist default_output_format) foreach(format ${formatlist}) if(format MATCHES "dvi3|pdf4|pdf5") set(fonttypes "texF" "systemF") else() set(fonttypes "defaultF") endif() foreach(fonttype ${fonttypes}) if (format MATCHES "pdf2" AND f MATCHES "latex/unicodesymbols") #message(STATUS "Test ${TestName} matches Unicode encodings") # test_encodings does not include "default", since it should be covered # by one of the supplied encodings set(test_encodings "ascii" "utf8" "utf8x" "armscii8" "applemac" "cp437" "cp437de" "cp850" "cp852" "cp855" "cp862" "cp865" "cp866" "cp1250" "cp1251" "cp1252" "cp1255" "cp1256" "cp1257" "koi8-r" "koi8-u" "iso8859-1" "iso8859-2" "iso8859-3" "iso8859-4" "iso8859-5" "iso8859-6" "iso8859-7" "iso8859-8" "iso8859-9" "iso8859-13" "iso8859-15" "iso8859-16" "pt154" "big5" "shift-jis" "euc-cn" "gbk" "jis" "euc-kr" "utf8-cjk" "euc-tw" "euc-jp" "euc-jp-platex" "jis-platex" "shift-jis-platex" "utf8-platex" "tis620-0") else() set(test_encodings "default") endif() foreach (_enc2 ${test_encodings}) if ("${_enc2}" STREQUAL "default") set(_enc "") else() set(_enc "_${_enc2}") endif() if(fonttype MATCHES "defaultF") set(TestName "export/${libsubfolder}/${f}${_enc}_${format}") else() set(TestName "export/${libsubfolder}/${f}${_enc}_${format}_${fonttype}") endif() if (format MATCHES "^${default_output_format}$") set(extraLabels "defaultoutput") else() set(extraLabels ) endif() set(missingLabels ) findexpr(mfound TestName ignoreLatexErrorsTests missingLabels) if (mfound) set(mytestlabel ${testlabel} "ignoring" ${missingLabels} ${extraLabels}) else() set(mytestlabel ${testlabel} ${extraLabels}) endif() maketestname(TestName inverted invertedTests ignoredTests unreliableTests mytestlabel) if(TestName) add_test(NAME ${TestName} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${LYX_HOME}" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DLYX_ROOT=${LIBSUB_SRC_DIR} -DLYX_TESTS_USERDIR=${LYX_TESTS_USERDIR} -Dlyx=$ -DWORKDIR=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${LYX_HOME} -Dformat=${format} -Dfonttype=${fonttype} -Dextension=${format} -Dfile=${f} -Dinverted=${inverted} -DTOP_SRC_DIR=${TOP_SRC_DIR} "-DIgnoreErrorMessage=${missingLabels}" -DPERL_EXECUTABLE=${PERL_EXECUTABLE} -DXMLLINT_EXECUTABLE=${XMLLINT_EXECUTABLE} -DENCODING=${_enc2} -P "${TOP_SRC_DIR}/development/autotests/export.cmake") setmarkedtestlabel(${TestName} ${mytestlabel}) # check for suspended pdf/dvi exports endif() endforeach() endforeach() endforeach() endforeach() endforeach()