[Settings] NumFields=4 [Field 1] Type=Label Left=20 Right=280 Top=3 Bottom=60 Text='You can optionally set here the path to the file "latex.exe" and therewith set the LaTeX-distribution that should be used by LyX.\r\nIf you don$\\'t use LaTeX, LyX cannot output documents!\r\n\r\nThe installer has detected the LaTeX-distribution "$LaTeXName" on your system. Displayed below is its path.' [Field 2] Type=Groupbox Left=5 Right=-1 Top=67 Bottom=107 Text= Path [Field 3] Type=DirRequest Left=20 Right=270 Top=83 Bottom=94 State=C:\ [Field 4] Type=Checkbox Text=Don't use LaTeX Left=20 Right=120 Top=120 Bottom=129 State=0