These insets work but still need work: InsetBibtex: There are a few issues here. - One is that the output is not very nice. This will be solved, though, by a patch of mine I seem to have forgotten to finish. - Another issue concerns cross-references. At the moment, we simply use the xref information for every entry, rather than listing the xref separately and then referencing it. That should not be terribly hard, but it would take a bit of work. InsetFloat: This seems to work OK, but it will need testing and tweaking. There is also no CSS yet for these. InsetFloatList: Seems to work well, but may need testing. InsetGraphics: This works in a pretty primitive way, in that it outputs the graphic and appropriate img tag. But we don't yet do any sort of scaling, rotating, and so forth. That won't be hard, since we can just call ImageMagick to do this for us, but appropriate routines will need to be written. InsetNomencl and InsetPrintNomencl: Do not work at all yet, but would be easy to do. First, Nomencl would need to go to the TOC, which it should do anyway. Then just do as for TOC and Index, more or less. InsetTabular: Works reasonably well, but we don't do anything with any of the arguments provided for longtable. There are probably other limitations, too, since I'm very much not an expert with tables. Math We have a fair bit of math now working via MathML output, but there are still some isues, and not all the insets work. Here are the ones I know still need work: - Array: Should be able to use alignment information via appropriate attributes, for mtable, mrow, and mtd. - Par? - Phantom: There is some support for this in MathML.... - Space: Needs checking. - SpecialChar: Needs checking. - Split: There are some alignment issues here, but it basically works. - Tabular: This is more or less a text-like table in math. Probably output it as a table, but set the font. Other math notes: - AMSArray: Some of these should be handled via images. I need to investigate which. - Hull: - Need to check that we handle all the various types correctly. These insets do not work and are not yet scheduled to work: InsetExternal: It may be that this won't be too hard, but I don't understand these so am not sure what to do. For now, it is disabled.