Changes to the LyX format since version 220 (LyX 1.2.0) was released. ===================================================================== 2002-08-12 Andre' Poenitz Added \lyxlock for locked math inset when written to .lyx file. When "downgrading" .lyx files this should simple be deleted but it does not hurt at all if it stays in. It does not have to be added when "upgrading". 2002-08-02 Angus Leeming Added a boolean "preview" flag to InsetCommandParams. Currently it is written only by InsetInclude, because only this class can generate a preview of its contents. The LyX file now contains: \begin_inset Include \input{snapshot_t=40.tex} +preview true \end_inset Earlier versions of LyX just swallow this extra token silently. 2002-08-12 Angus Leeming The 1.2.0 InsetGraphicsParams "size_type" and "lyxsize_type" have been renamed as "size_kind" and "lyxsize_kind" respectively. \begin_inset Graphics FormatVersion 1 filename file.eps display default - size_kind original + size_type original width 7cm rotateOrigin center - lyxsize_kind original + lyxsize_type original lyxwidth 4cm \end_inset