This file lists interface changes that might affect users in 1.5.0 and also some known problems in LyX 1.5.0 that did not occur in 1.4.5. Note that fixes are available for many of these, but they have not yet been applied because of incomplete testing. Interface changes ----------------- Some of the LyX functions have changed names : Known issues with version 1.5.0 ------------------------------------ - User layout files must be converted to UTF-8 In previous version, layout styles were allowed to use non-ASCII names using the local encodings. LyX-1.5 now assumes that all layout files are UTF-8 encoded. This means that non-ASCII style names are still allowed but they nust be valid UTF-8 strings. One way of doing the conversion is to use iconv. Using bash, the script below should work: cd /path/to/layouts for l in * do cp $l tmp.txt iconv -f latin1 -t utf8 tmp.txt -o $l done rm tmp.txt - Cursor restoration problems with Multiple-View When using multiple Windows to edit different parts of the same document, the cursor position is sometimes not correctly restored when you switch from one view to the other. - Languages/encodings and insets One of the bugs fixed in LyX 1.5.0 is that previously, there were certain specific cases in which the LaTeX generated did not correctly reflect language/encoding transitions in and around insets (footnotes, LyX notes). After much deliberation, it was decided not to change older files such that they will still reflect the old LaTeX output; rather, they will now correctly reflect the situation as it appears in the GUI. This means, however, that if you mangled the text in the GUI in the older versions, in order that it generate the correct LaTeX output, the LaTeX will now generate the mangled text. If this is problematic for you, please get in touch with us on the developers mailing list, we do have some possible solutions for this. The effects of this will be more pronounced for RTL (Hebrew, Arabic, Farsi) users --- though they affect users of other languages as well. - Inset encodings and Conversion from earlier LyX versions One of the main new features in version 1.5.0 is Unicode. As part of the transition, lyx2lyx (the scripts used for converting back and forth between different versions of the lyx files) converts old .lyx files, which may use a number of different encodings, to UTF-8. This conversion depends on correctly identifying the language of the text. There were previously some edge-cases (insets embedded in different-language text type scenarios) in which the language was incorrectly identified, which caused some text to appear incorrectly after having upgraded from older versions. This has now been fixed. Unfortunately, however, the fix cannot be applied to files which have already been converted past format 249. So if you have already converted your old files (using a development version or release candidate), this fix won't help, unless you still have the originals lying around (and haven't yet made too many changes to the newer versions ;) ). Generally, it is probably wise to keep a backup of the old version of your files, at least until you are sure that the upgrade went smoothly (which it almost always will). Note: There may later be an updated list of known issues online at