Building LyX on Aqua Ronald Florence Make sure you have installed the MacOSX development tools. The procedure described here builds LyX-1.3.3 linked with a static Qt library and installs the LyX and Start-LyX applications. Download the GPL-licensed MacOSX Qt library source code from Untar the .tar.gz file in a convenient directory in /usr/local/src or /usr/local. Then open a terminal, cd to the Qt source directory, apply the patch development/MacOSX/qt.patch, and: % setenv QTDIR `pwd` % sudo gcc_select 2 % ./configure -static % make % sudo gcc_select 3 % mkdir lib/unused % mv lib/*.dylib lib/unused To avoid this compiler-changing procedure in the future, you might want to write Apple to urge that they fix bug ID #3162425 so the default gcc-3.1 compiler can be used to compile LyX-1.3.x on MacOSX. Using the same terminal session you used to build the Qt libraries (or if you start a new terminal, set the QTDIR environment variable as above), cd to the top of the LyX source hierarchy. Then: % setenv CXX g++2 % setenv LDFLAGS "-framework Carbon -framework OpenGL -framework AGL -framew ork QuickTime -lz" % ./configure --with-frontend=qt --without-x --datadir=/Applications/ /Contents/Resources --bindir=/Applications/ --mandir=/App lications/ % make Download the LyX Framework at and run the installer. Then in the terminal where you built LyX: % make install % cp development/MacOSX/lyx.xpm /Applications/ Please see the LyX on Aqua howto at for information on configuring LyX on Aqua. The binary installation of LyX on Aqua installs ~/.MacOS/environment.plist and the TeX math fonts; you will need to do this configuration manually if you build LyX yourself. The information on this page is believed to be accurate, has been used successfully on many systems and sites, and has benefited from the comments and suggestions of many users. Due to the variations in individual systems, this information is conveyed as is with no warranty of any kind.