LyX/Cygwin Ruurd Reitsma There are two ways to run LyX on Windows: * as a native Windows application, using the Qt/Win Free clone of Trolltech's cross-platform Qt toolkit. * as a POSIX application running under the Cygwin environment. This README describes what is needed for the latter of these two options. Please refer to README.Win32 if you'd like to run LyX as a native Windows application. The Cygwin port consists of a few small tweaks to the original Unix sources to deal with DOS-style pathnames, so that LyX can use Win32 TeX distros like fptex and MiKTeX. There's also a cygwin TeTeX port, but the native Win32 ports have a definite speed advantage. Besides that, nothing fancy. The prerequisites are (obviously?): * cygwin installation ( * decent X server; eXceed, X-Win32, or maybe even Cygwin/XFree86. * working TeX installation; fpTex, MikTex. It should compile out of the box, but there might be some libraries missing in the final link step. You'll have to add them to the Makefile by hand. Be sure to include -lregex, because cygwin's builtin regex is sortof weird (filedialogs will turn up empty...) If you want to run LyX with no console windows open, there's a small program in development/Win32 that will set the proper environment vars and start LyX. Compile with: gcc lyxwin32.C -O2 -o lyxwin32 -static -Wall -Wno-format \ -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -mwindows -e _mainCRTStartup Also make sure the latex binaries are in your Windows path. Windvi and Yap are auto detected, and you might want to make a symlink to Adobe Acrobat so it's detected too: ln -s //c/Program\ Files/adobe/Acrobat\ 4.0/Reader/AcroRd32.exe \ /usr/bin/acroread Many thanks to Steven van Dijk, Claus Hentschel and Miyata Shigeru for starting the porting business.