#\DeclareLyXModule{Longtable Environments} #DescriptionBegin #Defines several custom insets that allow for a longtable environment to adopt some of the characteristics of a float. The Longtable:NewPage will place the long-table environment at the top of a new page. Any figure table floats will be placed first. Text continuity will be maintained. #DescriptionEnd # Author : Robert Oakes InsetLayout Custom:Longtable LyXType custom Labelstring longtable Decoration classic LabelFont Color collapsable Size Small EndFont MultiPar true LatexName longtablepage LatexType command Requires afterpage Preamble \usepackage{afterpage} \newcommand{\longtablepage}[1]{% \afterpage{\clearpage {#1}}} EndPreamble End InsetLayout Custom:Longlandscapetable LyXType custom Labelstring longlandscapetable Decoration classic LabelFont Color collapsable Size Small EndFont MultiPar true LatexName longtablelandscapepage LatexType command Requires afterpage, pdflscape Preamble \usepackage{afterpage} \usepackage{pdflscape} \newcommand{\longtablelandscapepage}[1]{% \afterpage{\clearpage\begin{landscape} {#1}\end{landscape}}} EndPreamble End