This is a LyX layout for the seminar LaTeX class. # Initial attemt at making a LyX layout file for the seminar class: # Author : Lars Gullik Bj.nnes # Second attempt # Guenter Milde Some basic points to start with: -------------------------------- * Obviously, you need seminar.cls (e.g. from CTAN) somewhere, where LaTeX can find it. * Copy seminar.layout into your layouts dir (~/.lyx/layouts). * When you do a reconfigure after installing seminar, this class should show up in the Layout>Document dialog. * Copy seminar.template to your templates directory (~/.lyx/templates). Now it should appear under File>New_from_Template. (Alternatively, copy anywhere you wish and open with File>Open) The next steps are explained there. * It is really helpfull to read sem-user.dvi, the documentation that comes with seminar as well as the LyX User Guide. Bug in seminar.cls: ------------------- seminar.cls has a bug that prevents proper working with the "a4paper" option. The option "a4" works. The bug prevents use of seminar as doctype from LyX together with the geometry package, as LyX inserts: \usepackage{geometry} \geometry{verbose,a4paper,tmargin=1cm,bmargin=1cm,lmargin=2cm,rmargin=2cm} and subsequentely, LaTeX reports an ! Undefined control sequence. error You can either hand-insert these lines into the preamble (instead of using the doctype tab for geometry option) \usepackage{geometry} \geometry{verbose,a4,tmargin=1cm,bmargin=1cm,lmargin=2cm,rmargin=2cm} % replace the margin values with your favourites or apply the following patch to seminar.cls --- tetex-base-2.0.2/texmf/tex/latex/seminar/seminar.cls.orig Wed Dec 10 +14:58:57 2003 +++ tetex-base-2.0.2/texmf/tex/latex/seminar/seminar.cls Wed Dec 10 +15:03:13 2003 @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ \paperheight 297mm \slidewidth 222mm \slideheight 152mm\relax} -\DeclareOption{a4paper}{\ds@a4}% +\DeclareOption{a4paper}{\csname ds@a4\endcsname}% \DeclareOption{semrot}{\AtEndOfClass{\input{semrot.sty}}} \DeclareOption{semhelv}{\AtEndOfClass{\input{semhelv.sty}}} \DeclareOption{semcolor}{\AtEndOfClass{\input{semcolor.sty}}} Drawbacks: ---------- LyX doesnot like empty paragraphs and it kills empty environments before you are able to nest something in them (if you don't insert an empty command, like {}, say). seminar.layout tells LyX to leave an empty LandscapeSlide or PortraitSlide, so you don't need to ressort to the above workaround. Unfortunately, LyX will not let you start a new paragraph until there is something in the actual one (i.e. pressing Enter does nothing :-( ( This is Bug No 313 in ) So you can either: insert some text (a single letter suffices) that you delete after writing of the next paragraph, or Write the content of the slide first and insert the opening LandscapeSlide later on.