Compiling LyX 2.1 for Win32 and creating Windows installer ========================================================== It's recommended to compile LyX using Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 and CMake. Pre-compiled packages with dependencies are provided for this environment. Compiling with Microsoft Visual C++ =================================== These instructions assume the LyX source code is in C:\LyX\lyx-21 You can also use another directory if you prefer. 1 Install MSVC 2010 If you don't have Visual C++ 2010 installed, get the free Express edition from (All dependencies are linked against the MSVC 2010 runtime and won't work in combination with MSVC 2008. You'll get crashes and other unexpected issues.) 2 Install Qt Download the latest Qt for Open Source C++ development on Windows (VS2010) from 3 Install Python Install the latest Python 2.x version (not Python 3.x !) from 4 Install CMake Install the latest CMake from 5 Configure - Run the CMake GUI. - Set the source code path to C:\LyX\lyx-21 Set the build path to C:\LyX\lyx-21-build Click Configure and set the generator to Visual Studio 10. - Enable LYX_DEPENDENCIES_DOWNLOAD and click Configure. Pre-compiled dependencies will automatically be downloaded. - Set QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE to e.g. C:\Qt\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4\bin\qmake.exe and Configure again. - Enable the LYX_INSTALL option, set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to C:\LyX\lyx-21-install and click Configure. - Check the Advanced checkbox. Set GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE to C:\LyX\lyx-21-build\msvc2010-deps\deps21\gettext-tools\msgfmt.exe, and do the same for the other gettext tools. - Click Generate. 6 Compile A Microsoft Visual C++ solution should have been generated at C:\LyX\lyx-21-build\lyx.sln Compile the INSTALL project to get a LyX installation in C:\LyX\lyx-21-install 7 Copy dependencies Copy - C:\LyX\lyx-21-build\msvc2010-deps\deps21\bin - C:\LyX\lyx-21-build\msvc2010-deps\deps21\imagemagick - C:\LyX\lyx-21-build\msvc2010-deps\deps21\python - C:\LyX\lyx-21-build\msvc2010-deps\deps21\ghostscript - C:\LyX\lyx-21-build\msvc2010-deps\deps21\Resources to C:\LyX\lyx-21-install And copy from the Qt bin directory (e.g. C:\Qt\bin) QtCore4.dll QtGui4.dll QtCore4d.dll (if compiling Debug version) QtGui4d.dll (if compiling Debug version) to C:\LyX\lyx-21-install\bin 8 Define path prefix Add the following line to C:\LyX\lyx-21-install\Resources\lyxrc.dist, so LyX will find the bundled tools such as Python, ImageMagick and Ghostscript: \path_prefix "$LyXDir\bin;$LyXDir\python;$LyXDir\imagemagick;$LyXDir\ghostscript" You may also add the location of your LaTeX installation if it's not on the system PATH, and the location of JabRef. 9 Start LyX C:\LyX\lyx-21-install\bin\lyx.exe Creating the Installer ====================== - Get NSIS from - In the LyX source directory, go to development\Win32\packaging\installer - Copy the 3 dll-files from there to the DLL folder of the NSIS installation - Check whether the file locations/paths in settings.nsh match your setup. - Right-click on lyx.nsi and click "Compile NSIS Script".