Building LyX/Mac-1.4.0 Ronald Florence Modified by Bennett Helm LyX/Mac is built from the LyX source, the GPL-licensed Trolltech Qt/Mac library, and a custom application bundle. You will need the MacOSX development tools. The procedure described here builds LyX linked with a static Qt library. If you are using the tcsh shell, change the "export VAR=value" statements to "setenv VAR value". At the moment, compiling LyX/Mac requires using gcc version 3.3. You can tell OS X to use this compiler by entering the following in the terminal: sudo gcc_select 3.3 1. Download the GPL-licensed Qt/Mac Free Edition library source code from , untar in a convenient directory, cd to the top of the Qt source hierarcy, and: export QTDIR=`pwd` ./configure -static -no-exceptions -lresolv [for OS X 10.2, use "./configure -static -no-exceptions"] make rm lib/ 2. The LyX/Mac application bundle skeleton ( can be found in the LyX source hierarchy at development/MacOSX. The default settings assume that this bundle has been moved to /Applications and is named You can rename it or move it somewhere else, but make sure you read the note in step 3. 3. Using the same terminal session you used to build the Qt library, cd to the top of the LyX source hierarchy, and: export LDFLAGS="-framework Carbon -framework OpenGL -framework AGL -framework QuickTime -lz" ./configure --with-frontend=qt --without-x --with-included-gettext --enable-optimization=-Os --disable-concept-checks [Note: If you have moved or renamed the LyX/Mac application bundle skeleton, you will need to add "--prefix=/path/to/" (substituting the appropriate path, of course) to this ./configure line. (If you do not specify anything for --prefix, the default is --prefix=/Applications/] make make install The information on this page is believed to be accurate, has been used successfully on many systems and sites, and has benefited from the comments and suggestions of many users. Due to the variations in individual systems, this information is conveyed as is with no warranty of any kind. For more information on LyX/Mac, see .