]> git.lyx.org Git - lyx.git/blob - src/mathed/symbol_def.h
[lyx.git] / src / mathed / symbol_def.h
1 // This -*- C++ -*- file was created automatically.
2 // Don't change it!  [asierra18jan96]
3 // Why? [andre]
5 #ifndef SYMBOL_DEF
6 #define SYMBOL_DEF 
8 enum Math_Symbols_enum {
9 // Accents
10         LM_acute          = '\'',
11         LM_grave          =  '`',
12         LM_hat            = '^',
13         LM_tilde          = '~',
14         LM_dot            = '.',
15         LM_bar            = '-',
17         LM_quad           = 4,
18         LM_qquad          = 5,
20 /// Symbols that don't exist in X11 symbol font but that we fake
21         LM_not            = 10,
23 // Symbols that do exist in X11 symbol font
24         LM_Gamma          = 0x47,
25         LM_Delta          = 0x44,
26         LM_Theta          = 0x51,
27         LM_Lambda         = 0x4c,
28         LM_Xi             = 0x58,
29         LM_Pi             = 0x50,
30         LM_Sigma          = 0x53,
31         //LM_Upsilon      = 0x55,
32         LM_Upsilon        = 0xa1,
33         LM_Phi            = 0x46,
34         LM_Psi            = 0x59,
35         LM_Omega          = 0x57,
36         LM_alpha          = 0x61,
37         LM_beta           = 0x62,
38         LM_gamma          = 0x67,
39         LM_delta          = 0x64,
40         LM_varepsilon     = 0x65,
41         LM_eta            = 0x68,
42         LM_theta          = 0x71,
43         LM_vartheta       = 0x4a,
44         LM_iota           = 0x69,
45         LM_kappa          = 0x6b,
46         LM_lambda         = 0x6c,
47         LM_mu             = 0x6d,
48         LM_nu             = 0x6e,
49         LM_xi             = 0x78,
50         LM_pi             = 0x70,
51         LM_varpi          = 0x76,
52         LM_rho            = 0x72,
53         LM_sigma          = 0x73,
54         LM_tau            = 0x74,
55         LM_varsigma       = 0x56,
56         LM_zeta           = 0x7a,
57         LM_upsilon        = 0x75,
58         LM_phi            = 0x66,
59         LM_varphi         = 0x6a,
60         LM_chi            = 0x63,
61         LM_psi            = 0x79,
62         LM_omega          = 0x77,
63         LM_downarrow      = 0xaf,
64         LM_leftarrow      = 0xac,
65         LM_Downarrow      = 0xdf,
66         LM_Leftarrow      = 0xdc,
67         LM_rightarrow     = 0xae,
68         LM_uparrow        = 0xad,
69         LM_Rightarrow     = 0xde,
70         LM_Uparrow        = 0xdd,
71         LM_Leftrightarrow = 0xdb,
72         LM_leftrightarrow = 0xab,
73         LM_leq            = 0xa3,
74         LM_geq            = 0xb3,
75         LM_equiv          = 0xba,
76         LM_subset         = 0xcc,
77         LM_supset         = 0xc9,
78         LM_approx         = 0xbb,
79         LM_subseteq       = 0xcd,
80         LM_supseteq       = 0xca,
81         LM_cong           = 0x40,
82         LM_neq            = 0xb9,
83         LM_in             = 0xce,
84         LM_propto         = 0xb5,
85         LM_pm             = 0xb1,
86         LM_cap            = 0xc7,
87         LM_diamond        = 0xe0,
88         LM_oplus          = 0xc5,
89         LM_cup            = 0xc8,
90         LM_times          = 0xb4,
91         LM_otimes         = 0xc4,
92         LM_div            = 0xb8,
93         LM_oslash         = 0xc6,
94         LM_cdot           = 0xd7,
95         LM_wedge          = 0xd9,
96         LM_bullet         = 0xb7,
97         LM_sum            = 0xe5,
98         LM_int            = 0xf2,
99         LM_prod           = 0xd5,
100         LM_nabla          = 0xd1,
101         LM_partial        = 0xb6,
102         LM_infty          = 0xa5,
103         LM_prime          = 0xa2,
104         //LM_emptyset     = 0xc6,
105         LM_exists         = 0x24,
106         LM_forall         = 0x22,
107         LM_Re             = 0xc2,
108         LM_Im             = 0xc1,
109         LM_aleph          = 0xc0,
110         LM_wp             = 0xc3,
111         LM_bot            = 0x5e,
112         LM_neg            = 0xd8,
113         LM_sharp          = 0x23,
114         LM_surd           = 0xd6,
115         LM_diamondsuit    = 0xa8,
116         LM_heartsuit      = 0xa9,
117         LM_clubsuit       = 0xa7,
118         LM_spadesuit      = 0xaa,
119         LM_langle         = 0xe1,
120         LM_lceil          = 0xe9,
121         LM_lfloor         = 0xeb,
122         LM_rangle         = 0xf1,
123         LM_rceil          = 0xf9,
124         LM_rfloor         = 0xfb,
125         LM_mid            = 0x7c,
126         LM_angle          = 0xd0,
127         LM_vee            = 0xda,
128         //LM_backslash '\\'
130 /// Symbols that don't exist in X11 symbol font
131         LM_NoFont          = 256,
132         LM_epsilon,  
133         LM_hookleftarrow,
134         LM_hookrightarrow,
135         LM_updownarrow,
136         LM_leftharpoonup,
137         LM_rightharpoonup,
138         LM_rightleftharpoons,
139         LM_Updownarrow,
140         LM_leftharpoondown,
141         LM_rightharpoondown,
142         LM_mapsto,
143         LM_Longleftarrow,
144         LM_Longrightarrow,
145         LM_Longleftrightarrow,
146         LM_longleftrightarrow,
147         LM_longleftarrow,
148         LM_longrightarrow,
149         LM_longmapsto,
150         LM_nwarrow,
151         LM_nearrow,
152         LM_swarrow,
153         LM_searrow,
154         LM_models,
155         LM_prec,
156         LM_succ,
157         LM_sim,
158         LM_perp,
159         LM_preceq,
160         LM_succeq,
161         LM_simeq,
162         LM_ll,
163         LM_gg,
164         LM_asymp,
165         LM_parallel,
166         LM_smile,
167         LM_frown,
168         LM_sqsubseteq,
169         LM_sqsupseteq,
170         LM_doteq,
171         LM_ni,
172         LM_notin,
173         LM_vdash,
174         LM_dashv,
175         LM_bowtie,
176         LM_mp,
177         LM_bigtriangleup,
178         LM_ominus,
179         LM_uplus,
180         LM_bigtriangledown,
181         LM_sqcap,
182         LM_triangleright,
183         LM_sqcup,
184         LM_triangleleft,
185         LM_odot,
186         LM_star,
187         LM_amalg,
188         LM_bigcirc,
189         LM_setminus,
190         LM_dagger,
191         LM_circ,
192         LM_wr,
193         LM_ddagger,
194         LM_oint,
195         LM_coprod,
196         LM_bigsqcup,
197         LM_bigotimes,
198         LM_bigodot,
199         LM_bigoplus,
200         LM_bigcap,
201         LM_bigcup,
202         LM_biguplus,
203         LM_bigvee,
204         LM_bigwedge,
205         LM_ell,
206         LM_imath,
207         LM_jmath,
208         LM_hbar,
209         LM_top,
210         LM_Vert,
211         LM_flat,
212         LM_natural,
213         LM_triangle,
214         LM_widehat,
215         LM_widetilde,
216         LM_underline,
217         LM_overline,
218         LM_underbrace, 
219         LM_overbrace,
220         LM_overleftarrow,
221         LM_overightarrow, 
222         LM_ldots,
223         LM_cdots,
224         LM_vdots,
225         LM_ddots,            
226         LM_backslash,
227         LM_emptyset,
229 /// Accents that don't exist in X11 symbol font
230         LM_ddot,
231         LM_check,
232         LM_vec,
233         LM_breve
235 };
238 #endif