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[lyx.git] / lib / layouttranslations
1 # This file has been automatically generated by po/lyx_pot.py.
2 # PLEASE MODIFY ONLY THE LAGUAGES HAVING NO .po FILE! If you want to regenerate
3 # this file from the translations, run `make ../lib/layouttranslations' in po.
5 Translation ar
6         "Algorithm" "الخوارزم"
7         "Assumption" "فرضية"
8         "Axiom" "مسلمة"
9         "Chart" "جدول بياني"
10         "Conclusion" "استنتاج"
11         "Condition" "شرط"
12         "Definition" "تعريف"
13         "Example" "مثال"
14         "Exercise" "تمرين"
15         "Fact" "حقيقة"
16         "Figure" "صورة توضيحية"
17         "Graph" "رسم بياني"
18         "List of Algorithms" "قائمة الخوارزميات"
19         "List of Charts" "قائمة الجداول البيانية"
20         "List of Figures" "قائمة الرسوم التوضيحية"
21         "List of Graphs" "قائمة الرسوم البيانية"
22         "List of Schemes" "قائمة التصميمات"
23         "List of Tableaux" "قائمة الجداول"
24         "List of Tables" "قائمة الجداول"
25         "MarginFigure" "صورة هامشية"
26         "MarginTable" "جدول هامشي"
27         "Notation" "تدوين"
28         "Note" "ملاحظة"
29         "Problem" "مشكلة"
30         "Proof" "برهان"
31         "Question" "سؤال"
32         "Remark" "ملاحظة"
33         "Scheme" "مخطط"
34         "Summary" "موجز"
35         "Table" "جدول"
36         "Tableau" "جدول"
37         "Theorem" "نظرية"
38 End
40 Translation bg
41         "Algorithm" "Aлгоритъм"
42         "Conclusion" "Заключение"
43         "Condition" "Условие"
44         "Definition" "Дефиниция"
45         "Example" "Пример"
46         "Exercise" "Упражнение"
47         "Fact" "Факт"
48         "Lemma" "Лема"
49         "Note" "Бележка"
50         "Problem" "Проблем"
51         "Proof" "Доказателство"
52         "Proposition" "Допускане"
53         "Question" "Въпрос"
54         "Summary" "Обобщение"
55         "Theorem" "Теорема"
56 End
58 Translation ca
59         "Acknowledgement" "Agraiment"
60         "Algorithm" "Algorisme"
61         "Assumption" "Assumpció"
62         "Axiom" "Axioma"
63         "Case" "Cas"
64         "Claim" "Afirmació"
65         "Conclusion" "Conclusió"
66         "Condition" "Condició"
67         "Conjecture" "Conjectura"
68         "Corollary" "Corol·lari"
69         "Criterion" "Criteri"
70         "Definition" "Definició"
71         "Example" "Exemple"
72         "Exercise" "Exercici"
73         "Fact" "Fet"
74         "Figure" "Figura"
75         "Lemma" "Lema"
76         "List of Algorithms" "Llista d'algorismes"
77         "List of Figures" "Llista de figures"
78         "List of Tables" "Llista de taules"
79         "Notation" "Notació"
80         "Note" "Nota"
81         "Problem" "Problema"
82         "Proof" "Demostració"
83         "Proposition" "Proposició"
84         "Question" "Qüestió"
85         "Remark" "Comentari"
86         "Summary" "Resum"
87         "Table" "Taula"
88         "Theorem" "Teorema"
89 End
91 Translation cs
92         "Algorithm" "Algoritmus"
93         "Example" "Příklad"
94         "Figure" "Obrázek"
95         "List of Algorithms" "Seznam algoritmů"
96         "List of Figures" "Seznam obrázků"
97         "List of Tableaux" "Seznam tabel"
98         "List of Tables" "Seznam tabulek"
99         "Note" "Pozn."
100         "Table" "Tabulka"
101         "Tableau" "Tablo"
102 End
104 Translation da
105         "Acknowledgement" "Taksigelse"
106         "Algorithm" "Algoritme"
107         "Axiom" "Aksiom"
108         "Case" "Sag"
109         "Claim" "Påstand"
110         "Conclusion" "Konklusion"
111         "Condition" "Betingelse"
112         "Conjecture" "Formodning"
113         "Corollary" "Korollar"
114         "Criterion" "Kriterie"
115         "Example" "Eksempel"
116         "Exercise" "Øvelse"
117         "Fact" "Fakta"
118         "Figure" "Figur"
119         "Note" "Notat"
120         "Planotable" "PlanoTabel"
121         "Plate" "Plade"
122         "Proof" "Korrektur"
123         "Proposition" "Forslag"
124         "Question" "Spørgsmål"
125         "Remark" "Bemærkning"
126         "Summary" "Sammenfatning"
127         "Table" "Tabel"
128         "Theorem" "Teorem"
129 End
131 Translation de
132         "Acknowledgement" "Danksagung"
133         "Algorithm" "Algorithmus"
134         "Assumption" "Annahme"
135         "Case" "Fall"
136         "Chart" "Zeichnung"
137         "Claim" "Behauptung"
138         "Conclusion" "Schlussfolgerung"
139         "Condition" "Bedingung"
140         "Conjecture" "Vermutung"
141         "Corollary" "Korollar"
142         "Criterion" "Kriterium"
143         "Example" "Beispiel"
144         "Exercise" "Aufgabe"
145         "Fact" "Fakt"
146         "Figure" "Abbildung"
147         "List of Algorithms" "Algorithmenverzeichnis"
148         "List of Charts" "Liste der Zeichnungen"
149         "List of Figures" "Abbildungsverzeichnis"
150         "List of Graphs" "Liste der Graphen"
151         "List of Schemes" "Liste der Schemata"
152         "List of Tableaux" "Tableaux-Verzeichnis"
153         "List of Tables" "Tabellenverzeichnis"
154         "MarginFigure" "Randabbildung"
155         "MarginTable" "Randtabelle"
156         "Note" "Notiz"
157         "Planotable" "Plano-Tabelle"
158         "Plate" "Bildtafel"
159         "Proof" "Beweis"
160         "Question" "Frage"
161         "Remark" "Bemerkung"
162         "Scheme" "Schema"
163         "Summary" "Zusammenfassung"
164         "Table" "Tabelle"
165 End
167 Translation de_alt
168         "Conclusion" "Schlußfolgerung"
169 End
171 Translation el
172         "Acknowledgement" "Μνεία"
173         "Algorithm" "Αλγόριθμος"
174         "Assumption" "Υπόθεση"
175         "Axiom" "Αξίωμα"
176         "Case" "Περίπτωση"
177         "Chart" "Γραφική Παράσταση"
178         "Claim" "Ισχυρισμός"
179         "Conclusion" "Συμπέρασμα"
180         "Condition" "Συνθήκη"
181         "Conjecture" "Εικασία"
182         "Corollary" "Πόρισμα"
183         "Criterion" "Κριτήριο"
184         "Definition" "Ορισμός"
185         "Example" "Παράδειγμα"
186         "Exercise" "Άσκηση"
187         "Fact" "Δεδομένο"
188         "Figure" "Εικόνα"
189         "Graph" "Γράφημα"
190         "Lemma" "Λήμμα"
191         "List of Algorithms" "Λίστα Αλγορίθμων"
192         "List of Charts" "Λίστα Γραφικών Παραστάσεων"
193         "List of Figures" "Λίστα Εικόνων"
194         "List of Graphs" "Λίστα Γραφημάτων"
195         "List of Schemes" "Λίστα Σχεδίων"
196         "List of Tableaux" "Λίστα Ταμπλό"
197         "List of Tables" "Λίστα Πινάκων"
198         "Notation" "Σημειογραφία"
199         "Note" "Σημείωση"
200         "Problem" "Πρόβλημα"
201         "Proof" "Απόδειξη"
202         "Proposition" "Πρόταση"
203         "Question" "Ερώτημα"
204         "Remark" "Παρατήρηση"
205         "Scheme" "Σχέδιο"
206         "Summary" "Σύνοψη"
207         "Table" "Πίνακας"
208         "Tableau" "Ταμπλό"
209         "Theorem" "Θεώρημα"
210 End
212 Translation en
213 End
215 Translation es
216         "Acknowledgement" "Agradecimiento"
217         "Algorithm" "Algoritmo"
218         "Assumption" "Suposición"
219         "Axiom" "Axioma"
220         "Case" "Caso"
221         "Chart" "Diagrama"
222         "Claim" "Afirmación"
223         "Conclusion" "Conclusión"
224         "Condition" "Condición"
225         "Conjecture" "Conjetura"
226         "Corollary" "Corolario"
227         "Criterion" "Criterio"
228         "Definition" "Definición"
229         "Example" "Ejemplo"
230         "Exercise" "Ejercicio"
231         "Fact" "Hecho"
232         "Figure" "Figura"
233         "Graph" "Gráfico"
234         "Lemma" "Lema"
235         "List of Algorithms" "Índice de algoritmos"
236         "List of Charts" "Lista de diagramas"
237         "List of Figures" "Índice de figuras"
238         "List of Graphs" "Lista de gráficos"
239         "List of Schemes" "Lista de esquemas"
240         "List of Tableaux" "Índice de Tableaux"
241         "List of Tables" "Índice de tablas"
242         "MarginFigure" "Figura al margen"
243         "MarginTable" "Tabla al margen"
244         "Notation" "Notación"
245         "Note" "Nota"
246         "Plate" "Lámina"
247         "Problem" "Problema"
248         "Proof" "Demostración"
249         "Proposition" "Proposición"
250         "Question" "Pregunta"
251         "Remark" "Observación"
252         "Scheme" "Esquema"
253         "Summary" "Resumen"
254         "Table" "Tabla"
255         "Theorem" "Teorema"
256 End
258 Translation eu
259         "Acknowledgement" "Aitorpena"
260         "Algorithm" "Algoritmoa"
261         "Assumption" "Hipotesia"
262         "Axiom" "Axioma"
263         "Case" "Kasua"
264         "Chart" "Diagrama"
265         "Claim" "Aldarrikapena"
266         "Conclusion" "Ondorioa"
267         "Condition" "Baldintza"
268         "Conjecture" "Aierua"
269         "Corollary" "Korolarioa"
270         "Criterion" "Irizpidea"
271         "Definition" "Definizioa"
272         "Example" "Adibidea"
273         "Exercise" "Ariketa"
274         "Fact" "Egitatea"
275         "Figure" "Irudia"
276         "Graph" "Grafikoa"
277         "Lemma" "Lema"
278         "List of Algorithms" "Algoritmoen zerrenda"
279         "List of Charts" "Diagramen zerrenda"
280         "List of Figures" "Irudien zerrenda"
281         "List of Graphs" "Grafikoen zerrenda"
282         "List of Schemes" "Eskemen zerrenda"
283         "List of Tableaux" "Taulen zerrenda"
284         "List of Tables" "Taulen zerrenda"
285         "MarginFigure" "Albo-irudia"
286         "MarginTable" "Albo-taula"
287         "Notation" "Notazioa"
288         "Note" "Ohar"
289         "Planotable" "Taula-xafla"
290         "Plate" "Xafla"
291         "Problem" "Buruketa"
292         "Proof" "Frogapena"
293         "Proposition" "Proposizioa"
294         "Question" "Galdera"
295         "Remark" "Oharra"
296         "Scheme" "Eskema"
297         "Summary" "Laburpena"
298         "Table" "Taula"
299         "Tableau" "Taula"
300         "Theorem" "Teorema"
301 End
303 Translation fi
304         "Acknowledgement" "Kiitos"
305         "Algorithm" "Algoritmi"
306         "Axiom" "Aksiooma"
307         "Case" "Tapaus"
308         "Claim" "Väite"
309         "Conclusion" "Päätelmä"
310         "Condition" "Ehto"
311         "Conjecture" "Otaksuma"
312         "Corollary" "Seurauslause"
313         "Criterion" "Kriteeri"
314         "Definition" "Määritelmä"
315         "Example" "Esimerkki"
316         "Exercise" "Harjoitus"
317         "Fact" "Fakta"
318         "Figure" "Kuva"
319         "List of Algorithms" "Algoritmien taulukko"
320         "List of Figures" "Kuvien luettelo"
321         "List of Tables" "Taulukoiden luettelo"
322         "Notation" "Merkintätapa"
323         "Note" "Muistiinpano"
324         "Planotable" "Kokosivutaulukko"
325         "Plate" "Kiiltokuva"
326         "Problem" "Ongelma"
327         "Proof" "Todistus"
328         "Proposition" "Väittämä"
329         "Question" "Kysymys"
330         "Remark" "Huomautus"
331         "Summary" "Yhteenveto"
332         "Table" "Taulukko"
333         "Theorem" "Lause"
334 End
336 Translation fr
337         "Acknowledgement" "Remerciement"
338         "Algorithm" "Algorithme"
339         "Assumption" "Hypothèse"
340         "Axiom" "Axiome"
341         "Case" "Cas"
342         "Chart" "Diagramme"
343         "Claim" "Affirmation"
344         "Corollary" "Corollaire"
345         "Criterion" "Critère"
346         "Definition" "Définition"
347         "Example" "Exemple"
348         "Exercise" "Exercice"
349         "Fact" "Fait"
350         "Graph" "Graphique"
351         "Lemma" "Lemme"
352         "List of Algorithms" "Liste des algorithmes"
353         "List of Charts" "Liste des diagrammes"
354         "List of Figures" "Liste des figures"
355         "List of Graphs" "Liste des graphiques"
356         "List of Schemes" "Liste des schémas"
357         "List of Tableaux" "Liste des tableaux (TO)"
358         "List of Tables" "Liste des tableaux"
359         "MarginFigure" "Figure en marge"
360         "MarginTable" "Table en marge"
361         "Planotable" "PlancheTableau"
362         "Plate" "Planche"
363         "Problem" "Problème"
364         "Proof" "Preuve"
365         "Remark" "Remarque"
366         "Scheme" "Schéma"
367         "Summary" "Résumé"
368         "Table" "Tableau"
369         "Theorem" "Théorème"
370 End
372 Translation gl
373         "Acknowledgement" "Agradecimento"
374         "Algorithm" "Algoritmo"
375         "Assumption" "Suposición"
376         "Axiom" "Axioma"
377         "Case" "Caso"
378         "Claim" "Afirmación"
379         "Conclusion" "Conclusión"
380         "Condition" "Condición"
381         "Conjecture" "Conxetura"
382         "Corollary" "Corolário"
383         "Criterion" "Critério"
384         "Definition" "Definición"
385         "Example" "Exemplo"
386         "Exercise" "Exercício"
387         "Fact" "Facto"
388         "Figure" "Figura"
389         "Lemma" "Lema"
390         "List of Algorithms" "Lista de algoritmos"
391         "List of Figures" "Lista de figuras"
392         "List of Tables" "Lista de táboas"
393         "Notation" "Notación"
394         "Note" "Nota"
395         "Plate" "Lámina"
396         "Problem" "Problema"
397         "Proof" "Demostración"
398         "Proposition" "Proposición"
399         "Question" "Pergunta"
400         "Remark" "Observación"
401         "Summary" "Resumo"
402         "Table" "Táboa"
403         "Theorem" "Teorema"
404 End
406 Translation he
407         "Acknowledgement" "הכרת תודה"
408         "Algorithm" "אלגוריתם"
409         "Axiom" "אקסיומה"
410         "Case" "תנאי"
411         "Claim" "טענה"
412         "Condition" "תנאי"
413         "Corollary" "מסקנה"
414         "Criterion" "קריטריון"
415         "Definition" "הגדרה"
416         "Example" "דוגמה"
417         "Exercise" "תרגיל"
418         "Fact" "עובדה"
419         "Figure" "איור"
420         "Lemma" "למה"
421         "List of Algorithms" "רשימת אלגוריתמים"
422         "List of Figures" "רשימת איורים"
423         "List of Tables" "רשימת טבלאות"
424         "Note" "הערה"
425         "Problem" "בעיה"
426         "Proof" "הוכחה"
427         "Proposition" "הצעה"
428         "Question" "שאלה"
429         "Remark" "הערה"
430         "Summary" "סיכום"
431         "Table" "טבלה"
432         "Theorem" "משפט"
433 End
435 Translation hu
436         "Acknowledgement" "Köszönetnyilvánítás"
437         "Algorithm" "Algoritmus"
438         "Assumption" "Feltevés"
439         "Axiom" "Axióma"
440         "Case" "Eset"
441         "Chart" "Grafikon"
442         "Claim" "Követelés"
443         "Conclusion" "Következtetés"
444         "Condition" "Feltétel"
445         "Conjecture" "Feltevés"
446         "Corollary" "Következmény"
447         "Criterion" "Kritérium"
448         "Definition" "Definíció"
449         "Example" "Példa"
450         "Exercise" "Feladat"
451         "Fact" "Tény"
452         "Figure" "Ábra"
453         "Graph" "Grafika"
454         "Lemma" "Segédtétel"
455         "List of Algorithms" "Algoritmusok listája"
456         "List of Charts" "Grafikonok listája"
457         "List of Figures" "Ábrák listája"
458         "List of Graphs" "Ábrák listája"
459         "List of Schemes" "Sémák listája"
460         "List of Tableaux" "Csoportképek listája"
461         "List of Tables" "Táblázatok listája"
462         "Notation" "Jelölés"
463         "Note" "Megjegyzés"
464         "Problem" "Probléma"
465         "Proof" "Bizonyítás"
466         "Proposition" "Javaslat"
467         "Question" "Kérdés"
468         "Remark" "Észrevétel"
469         "Scheme" "Séma"
470         "Summary" "Összegzés"
471         "Table" "Táblázat"
472         "Tableau" "Csoportkép"
473         "Theorem" "Tétel"
474 End
476 Translation ia
477         "Acknowledgement" "Recognoscentia"
478         "Algorithm" "Algorithmo"
479         "Axiom" "Axioma"
480         "Case" "Caso"
481         "Chart" "Diagramma"
482         "Claim" "Assertion"
483         "Conjecture" "Conjectura"
484         "Corollary" "Corollario"
485         "Criterion" "Criterio"
486         "Example" "Exemplo"
487         "Exercise" "Exercitio"
488         "Fact" "Facto"
489         "Figure" "Figura"
490         "Graph" "Graphico"
491         "List of Algorithms" "Lista del algorithmos"
492         "List of Charts" "Lista de diagrammas"
493         "List of Figures" "Lista de figuras"
494         "List of Graphs" "Lista de graphicos"
495         "List of Schemes" "Lista de schemas"
496         "List of Tableaux" "Lista de tableau"
497         "List of Tables" "Lista de tabellas"
498         "MarginFigure" "Figura a margine"
499         "MarginTable" "Tabella a margine"
500         "Note" "Nota"
501         "Plate" "Folio"
502         "Problem" "Problema"
503         "Proof" "Demonstration"
504         "Remark" "Observation"
505         "Scheme" "Schema"
506         "Summary" "Summario"
507         "Table" "Tabella"
508         "Theorem" "Theorema"
509 End
511 Translation id
512         "Algorithm" "Algoritma"
513         "Assumption" "Asumsi"
514         "Case" "Kasus"
515         "Chart" "Diagram"
516         "Claim" "Klaim"
517         "Conclusion" "Simpulan"
518         "Condition" "Kondisi"
519         "Conjecture" "Dugaan"
520         "Criterion" "Kriteria"
521         "Definition" "Definisi"
522         "Example" "Contoh"
523         "Exercise" "Latihan"
524         "Fact" "Fakta"
525         "Figure" "Gambar"
526         "Graph" "Grafik"
527         "List of Algorithms" "Daftar Algoritma"
528         "List of Charts" "Daftar Diagram"
529         "List of Figures" "Daftar Gambar"
530         "List of Graphs" "Daftar Grafik"
531         "List of Schemes" "Daftar Skema"
532         "List of Tableaux" "Daftar Tableaux"
533         "List of Tables" "Daftar Tabel"
534         "MarginFigure" "GambarTepi"
535         "MarginTable" "TabelTepi"
536         "Notation" "Notasi"
537         "Note" "Nota"
538         "Planotable" "Tabel Plano"
539         "Plate" "Pelat"
540         "Problem" "Masalah"
541         "Proposition" "Rencana"
542         "Question" "Pertanyaan"
543         "Remark" "Catatan"
544         "Scheme" "Skema"
545         "Summary" "Ringkasan"
546         "Table" "Tabel"
547         "Theorem" "Teorema"
548 End
550 Translation it
551         "Acknowledgement" "Riconoscimento"
552         "Algorithm" "Algoritmo"
553         "Assumption" "Assunzione"
554         "Axiom" "Assioma"
555         "Case" "Caso"
556         "Chart" "Diagramma"
557         "Claim" "Asserzione"
558         "Conclusion" "Conclusione"
559         "Condition" "Condizione"
560         "Conjecture" "Congettura"
561         "Corollary" "Corollario"
562         "Criterion" "Criterio"
563         "Definition" "Definizione"
564         "Example" "Esempio"
565         "Exercise" "Esercizio"
566         "Fact" "Fatto"
567         "Figure" "Figura"
568         "Graph" "Grafico"
569         "List of Algorithms" "Elenco degli algoritmi|a"
570         "List of Charts" "Elenco dei diagrammi"
571         "List of Figures" "Elenco delle figure"
572         "List of Graphs" "Elenco dei grafici"
573         "List of Schemes" "Elenco degli schemi"
574         "List of Tableaux" "Elenco dei tableau"
575         "List of Tables" "Elenco delle tabelle"
576         "MarginFigure" "Figura a margine"
577         "MarginTable" "Tabella a margine"
578         "Notation" "Notazione"
579         "Note" "Nota"
580         "Plate" "Foglio"
581         "Problem" "Problema"
582         "Proof" "Dimostrazione"
583         "Proposition" "Proposizione"
584         "Question" "Questione"
585         "Remark" "Osservazione"
586         "Scheme" "Schema"
587         "Summary" "Sommario"
588         "Table" "Tabella"
589         "Theorem" "Teorema"
590 End
592 Translation ja
593         "Acknowledgement" "謝辞(Acknowledgement)"
594         "Algorithm" "アルゴリズム"
595         "Assumption" "仮定"
596         "Axiom" "公理"
597         "Case" "ケース"
598         "Chart" "チャート"
599         "Claim" "主張"
600         "Conclusion" "結論"
601         "Condition" "条件"
602         "Conjecture" "推論"
603         "Corollary" "系"
604         "Criterion" "基準"
605         "Definition" "定義"
606         "Example" "例"
607         "Exercise" "演習"
608         "Fact" "事実"
609         "Figure" "図"
610         "Graph" "グラフ"
611         "Lemma" "補題"
612         "List of Algorithms" "アルゴリズム一覧"
613         "List of Charts" "チャート一覧"
614         "List of Figures" "図一覧"
615         "List of Graphs" "グラフ一覧"
616         "List of Schemes" "スキーム一覧"
617         "List of Tableaux" "絵画一覧"
618         "List of Tables" "表一覧"
619         "MarginFigure" "傍図"
620         "MarginTable" "傍表"
621         "Notation" "記法"
622         "Note" "注釈"
623         "Planotable" "平面表(planotable)"
624         "Plate" "挿絵"
625         "Problem" "問題"
626         "Proof" "証明"
627         "Proposition" "命題"
628         "Question" "問題"
629         "Remark" "所見"
630         "Scheme" "スキーム"
631         "Summary" "要約"
632         "Table" "表"
633         "Tableau" "絵画"
634         "Theorem" "定理"
635 End
637 Translation ko
638         "Algorithm" "알고리듬"
639         "Figure" "그림"
640         "List of Algorithms" "알고리듬 목록"
641         "List of Figures" "그림 목록"
642         "List of Tables" "테이블 목록"
643         "Note" "노우트(Note)"
644 End
646 Translation nb
647         "Acknowledgement" "Takk til"
648         "Algorithm" "Algoritme"
649         "Assumption" "Antagelse"
650         "Axiom" "Aksiom"
651         "Case" "Tilfelle"
652         "Claim" "Påstand"
653         "Conclusion" "Konklusjon"
654         "Condition" "Forutsetning"
655         "Conjecture" "Konjektur"
656         "Corollary" "Korollar"
657         "Criterion" "Kriterie"
658         "Definition" "Definisjon"
659         "Example" "Eksempel"
660         "Exercise" "Øvelse"
661         "Fact" "Faktum"
662         "Figure" "Figur"
663         "List of Algorithms" "Liste over algoritmer"
664         "List of Figures" "Liste over figurer"
665         "List of Tables" "Liste over tabeller"
666         "Notation" "Notasjon"
667         "Proof" "Bevis"
668         "Proposition" "Proposisjon"
669         "Question" "Spørsmål"
670         "Remark" "Merknad"
671         "Summary" "Sammendrag"
672         "Table" "Tabell"
673         "Theorem" "Teorem"
674 End
676 Translation nl
677         "Axiom" "Axioma"
678         "Case" "Casus"
679         "Conclusion" "Conclusie"
680         "Definition" "Definitie"
681         "Example" "Voorbeeld"
682         "Exercise" "Oefening"
683         "Fact" "Feit"
684         "Figure" "Figuur"
685         "Note" "Notitie"
686         "Remark" "Opmerking"
687         "Summary" "Samenvatting"
688         "Table" "Tabel"
689 End
691 Translation nn
692         "Acknowledgement" "Takk til"
693         "Algorithm" "Algoritme"
694         "Assumption" "Asumpsjon"
695         "Axiom" "Aksiom"
696         "Case" "Tilfelle"
697         "Chart" "Diagram"
698         "Claim" "Påstand"
699         "Conclusion" "Konklusjon"
700         "Condition" "Vilkår"
701         "Conjecture" "Konjektur"
702         "Corollary" "Korollar"
703         "Criterion" "Kriterium"
704         "Definition" "Definisjon"
705         "Example" "Døme"
706         "Exercise" "Øving"
707         "Fact" "Faktum"
708         "Figure" "Figur"
709         "Graph" "Grafar"
710         "List of Algorithms" "Liste over algoritmer"
711         "List of Charts" "Liste over diagram"
712         "List of Figures" "Liste over figurar"
713         "List of Graphs" "Liste over grafar"
714         "List of Schemes" "Liste over skjema"
715         "List of Tableaux" "Liste over tablå"
716         "List of Tables" "Liste over tabellar"
717         "MarginFigure" "MargFigur"
718         "MarginTable" "Margtabell"
719         "Notation" "Notasjon"
720         "Note" "Notis"
721         "Planotable" "Plano- tabell"
722         "Proof" "Prov"
723         "Proposition" "Framlegg"
724         "Question" "Spørsmål"
725         "Remark" "Merknad"
726         "Scheme" "Skjema"
727         "Summary" "Samandrag"
728         "Table" "Tabell"
729         "Tableau" "Tablå"
730         "Theorem" "Teorem"
731 End
733 Translation pl
734         "Acknowledgement" "Podziękowanie"
735         "Algorithm" "Algorytm"
736         "Axiom" "Aksjomat"
737         "Case" "Przypadek"
738         "Claim" "Stwierdzenie"
739         "Conclusion" "Konkluzja"
740         "Condition" "Warunek"
741         "Conjecture" "Hipoteza"
742         "Corollary" "Wniosek"
743         "Criterion" "Kryterium"
744         "Definition" "Definicja"
745         "Example" "Przykład"
746         "Exercise" "Ćwiczenie"
747         "Fact" "Fakt"
748         "Figure" "Rysunek"
749         "Lemma" "Lemat"
750         "List of Algorithms" "Lista algorytmów"
751         "List of Figures" "Spis rysunków"
752         "List of Tables" "Spis tabel"
753         "Notation" "Notacja"
754         "Note" "Notka"
755         "Proof" "Dowód"
756         "Proposition" "Propozycja"
757         "Question" "Pytanie"
758         "Remark" "Uwaga"
759         "Summary" "Podsumowanie"
760         "Table" "Tabela"
761         "Theorem" "Twierdzenie"
762 End
764 Translation pt
765         "Acknowledgement" "Agradecimento"
766         "Algorithm" "Algoritmo"
767         "Assumption" "Assumpção"
768         "Axiom" "Axioma"
769         "Case" "Caso"
770         "Claim" "Afirmação"
771         "Conclusion" "Conclusão"
772         "Condition" "Condição"
773         "Conjecture" "Conjectura"
774         "Corollary" "Corolário"
775         "Criterion" "Critério"
776         "Definition" "Definição"
777         "Example" "Exemplo"
778         "Exercise" "Exercício"
779         "Fact" "Facto"
780         "Figure" "Figura"
781         "Graph" "Gráfico"
782         "Lemma" "Lema"
783         "List of Algorithms" "Lista de Algoritmos"
784         "List of Figures" "Lista de Figuras"
785         "List of Graphs" "Lista de Gráficos"
786         "List of Tableaux" "Lista de Quadros"
787         "List of Tables" "Lista de Tabelas"
788         "Notation" "Notação"
789         "Note" "Nota"
790         "Problem" "Problema"
791         "Proof" "Prova"
792         "Proposition" "Proposição"
793         "Question" "Questão"
794         "Remark" "Observação"
795         "Summary" "Sumário"
796         "Table" "Tabela"
797         "Tableau" "Quadro"
798         "Theorem" "Teorema"
799 End
801 Translation ro
802         "Algorithm" "Algoritm"
803         "Assumption" "Supoziţie"
804         "Axiom" "Axiomă"
805         "Case" "Caz"
806         "Chart" "Tabel"
807         "Claim" "Declaraţie"
808         "Conclusion" "Concluzie"
809         "Condition" "Condiţie"
810         "Conjecture" "Conjectură"
811         "Corollary" "Corolar"
812         "Criterion" "Criteriu"
813         "Definition" "Definiţie"
814         "Example" "Exemplu"
815         "Exercise" "Exerciţiu"
816         "Fact" "Fapt"
817         "Figure" "Figură"
818         "Graph" "Grafic"
819         "Lemma" "Lemă"
820         "List of Algorithms" "Listă de Algoritmi"
821         "List of Charts" "Listă de Tabele"
822         "List of Figures" "Listă de figuri"
823         "List of Graphs" "Listă de grafice"
824         "List of Schemes" "Listă de Scheme"
825         "List of Tableaux" "Listă de Tabele"
826         "List of Tables" "Listă de tabele"
827         "Notation" "Notaţie"
828         "Note" "Notă"
829         "Plate" "Tăbliţă"
830         "Problem" "Problemă"
831         "Proof" "Demonstraţie"
832         "Proposition" "Propoziţie"
833         "Question" "Întrebare"
834         "Remark" "Remarcă"
835         "Scheme" "Schemă"
836         "Summary" "Sumar"
837         "Table" "Tabel"
838         "Tableau" "Tabel"
839         "Theorem" "Teoremă"
840 End
842 Translation ru
843         "Acknowledgement" "Благодарность"
844         "Algorithm" "Алгоритм"
845         "Assumption" "Допущение"
846         "Axiom" "Аксиома"
847         "Case" "Вариант"
848         "Chart" "Чертеж"
849         "Claim" "Утверждение"
850         "Conclusion" "Заключение"
851         "Condition" "Условие"
852         "Conjecture" "Предположение"
853         "Corollary" "Вывод"
854         "Criterion" "Критерий"
855         "Definition" "Определение"
856         "Example" "Пример"
857         "Exercise" "Упражнение"
858         "Fact" "Факт"
859         "Figure" "Рисунок"
860         "Graph" "График"
861         "Lemma" "Лемма"
862         "List of Algorithms" "Список алгоритмов"
863         "List of Charts" "Список чертежей"
864         "List of Figures" "Список рисунков"
865         "List of Graphs" "Список графиков"
866         "List of Schemes" "Список схем"
867         "List of Tables" "Список таблиц"
868         "Notation" "Нотация"
869         "Note" "Заметка"
870         "Problem" "Проблема"
871         "Proof" "Доказательство"
872         "Proposition" "Предложение"
873         "Question" "Вопрос"
874         "Remark" "Замечание"
875         "Scheme" "Схема"
876         "Summary" "Сводка"
877         "Table" "Таблица"
878         "Theorem" "Теорема"
879 End
881 Translation sk
882         "Acknowledgement" "Poďakovania"
883         "Algorithm" "Algoritmus"
884         "Assumption" "Predpoklad"
885         "Axiom" "Axióma"
886         "Case" "Prípad"
887         "Chart" "Nákres"
888         "Claim" "Nárok"
889         "Conclusion" "Záver"
890         "Condition" "Podmienka"
891         "Conjecture" "Dohad"
892         "Criterion" "Kritérium"
893         "Definition" "Definícia"
894         "Example" "Príklad"
895         "Exercise" "Úloha"
896         "Fact" "Fakt"
897         "Figure" "Obrázok"
898         "Graph" "Grafika"
899         "List of Algorithms" "Zoznam algoritmov"
900         "List of Charts" "Zoznam nákresov"
901         "List of Figures" "Zoznam obrázkov"
902         "List of Graphs" "Zoznam grafík"
903         "List of Schemes" "Zoznam náčrtkov"
904         "List of Tableaux" "Zoznam tablov"
905         "List of Tables" "Zoznam tabuliek"
906         "MarginFigure" "OkrajnýObrázok"
907         "MarginTable" "Okrajná tabuľka"
908         "Notation" "Notácia"
909         "Note" "Poznámka"
910         "Problem" "Problém"
911         "Proof" "Dôkaz"
912         "Proposition" "Tvrdenie"
913         "Question" "Otázka"
914         "Remark" "Pripomienka"
915         "Scheme" "Náčrtok"
916         "Summary" "Súhrn"
917         "Table" "Tabuľka"
918         "Tableau" "Tablo"
919         "Theorem" "Teoréma"
920 End
922 Translation sl
923         "Acknowledgement" "Priznanje"
924         "Algorithm" "Algoritem"
925         "Axiom" "Aksiom"
926         "Case" "Primer"
927         "Claim" "Trditev"
928         "Conclusion" "Sklep"
929         "Condition" "Pogoj"
930         "Conjecture" "Domneva"
931         "Corollary" "Korolar"
932         "Criterion" "Kriterij"
933         "Definition" "Definicija"
934         "Example" "Zgled"
935         "Exercise" "Vaja"
936         "Fact" "Dejstvo"
937         "Figure" "Slika"
938         "Lemma" "Lema"
939         "Notation" "Zapis"
940         "Note" "Opomba"
941         "Proof" "Dokaz"
942         "Proposition" "Podmena"
943         "Question" "Vprašanje"
944         "Remark" "Pripomba"
945         "Summary" "Povzetek"
946         "Table" "Tabela"
947         "Theorem" "Izrek"
948 End
950 Translation sr
951         "Acknowledgement" "Zahvalnost"
952         "Algorithm" "Algoritam"
953         "Assumption" "Pretpostavka"
954         "Axiom" "Aksiom"
955         "Claim" "Tvrdnja"
956         "Conclusion" "Zaključak"
957         "Condition" "Uslov"
958         "Conjecture" "Pretpostavka"
959         "Corollary" "Posledica"
960         "Definition" "Definicija"
961         "Example" "Primer"
962         "Exercise" "Vežba"
963         "Fact" "Činjenica"
964         "List of Algorithms" "Spisak algoritama"
965         "List of Schemes" "Lista Šema"
966         "Notation" "Zabeleška"
967         "Note" "Napomena"
968         "Proof" "Dokaz"
969         "Proposition" "Predlog"
970         "Question" "Pitanje"
971         "Remark" "Napomena"
972         "Scheme" "Šema"
973         "Summary" "Rezime"
974         "Theorem" "Teorema"
975 End
977 Translation sv
978         "Acknowledgement" "Erkännande"
979         "Algorithm" "Algoritm"
980         "Assumption" "Antagande"
981         "Case" "Fall"
982         "Chart" "Diagram"
983         "Claim" "Påstående"
984         "Conclusion" "Slutsats"
985         "Condition" "Villkor"
986         "Conjecture" "Förmodan"
987         "Corollary" "Korollarium"
988         "Criterion" "Kriterium"
989         "Example" "Exempel"
990         "Exercise" "Övning"
991         "Fact" "Fakta"
992         "Figure" "Figur"
993         "Graph" "Graf"
994         "List of Algorithms" "Lista över algoritmer"
995         "List of Charts" "Lista över diagram"
996         "List of Figures" "Lista över figurer"
997         "List of Graphs" "Lista över grafer"
998         "List of Schemes" "Lista över scheman"
999         "List of Tableaux" "Lista över tablåer"
1000         "List of Tables" "Lista över tabeller"
1001         "MarginFigure" "Marginalfigur"
1002         "MarginTable" "Marginaltabell"
1003         "Note" "Not"
1004         "Planotable" "Planotabell"
1005         "Plate" "Platta"
1006         "Proof" "Bevis"
1007         "Question" "Fråga"
1008         "Remark" "Anmärkning"
1009         "Scheme" "Schema"
1010         "Summary" "Sammanfattning"
1011         "Table" "Tabell"
1012         "Tableau" "Tablå"
1013         "Theorem" "Teorem"
1014 End
1016 Translation tr
1017         "Acknowledgement" "Teşekkür"
1018         "Algorithm" "Algoritma"
1019         "Assumption" "Varsayım"
1020         "Axiom" "Aksiyom"
1021         "Case" "Durum"
1022         "Claim" "İddia"
1023         "Conclusion" "Sonuç"
1024         "Condition" "Koşul"
1025         "Conjecture" "Varsayım"
1026         "Corollary" "Doğal Sonuç"
1027         "Criterion" "Kriter"
1028         "Definition" "Tanım"
1029         "Example" "Örnek"
1030         "Exercise" "Alıştırma"
1031         "Fact" "Olgu"
1032         "Figure" "Figür"
1033         "List of Algorithms" "Algoritma Listesi"
1034         "List of Figures" "Figür Listesi"
1035         "List of Schemes" "Plan Listesi"
1036         "List of Tableaux" "Tablo Listesi"
1037         "List of Tables" "Tablo Listesi"
1038         "Notation" "Notasyon"
1039         "Note" "Not"
1040         "Proof" "İspat"
1041         "Proposition" "Önerme"
1042         "Question" "Soru"
1043         "Remark" "Açıklama"
1044         "Scheme" "Plan"
1045         "Summary" "Özet"
1046         "Table" "Tablo"
1047         "Tableau" "Tablo"
1048         "Theorem" "Teorem"
1049 End
1051 Translation uk
1052         "Acknowledgement" "Подяка"
1053         "Algorithm" "Алгоритм"
1054         "Assumption" "Припущення"
1055         "Axiom" "Аксіома"
1056         "Case" "Варіант"
1057         "Chart" "Діаграма"
1058         "Claim" "Твердження"
1059         "Conclusion" "Висновки"
1060         "Condition" "Умова"
1061         "Conjecture" "Припущення"
1062         "Corollary" "Наслідок"
1063         "Criterion" "Критерій"
1064         "Definition" "Визначення"
1065         "Example" "Приклад"
1066         "Exercise" "Вправа"
1067         "Fact" "Факт"
1068         "Figure" "Рисунок"
1069         "Graph" "Графік"
1070         "Lemma" "Лема"
1071         "List of Algorithms" "Алгоритм"
1072         "List of Charts" "Список діаграм"
1073         "List of Figures" "Список малюнків"
1074         "List of Graphs" "Список графіків"
1075         "List of Schemes" "Список схем"
1076         "List of Tableaux" "Список табло"
1077         "List of Tables" "Список таблиць"
1078         "Notation" "Позначення"
1079         "Note" "Примітка"
1080         "Problem" "Проблема"
1081         "Proof" "На коректуру"
1082         "Proposition" "Твердження"
1083         "Question" "Питання"
1084         "Remark" "Помітка"
1085         "Summary" "Зведення"
1086         "Table" "Таблиця"
1087         "Tableau" "Табло"
1088         "Theorem" "Теорема"
1089 End
1091 Translation zh_CN
1092         "Acknowledgement" "致谢"
1093         "Algorithm" "算法"
1094         "Chart" "图表"
1095         "Conclusion" "结论"
1096         "Condition" "条件"
1097         "Conjecture" "猜想"
1098         "Definition" "定义"
1099         "Example" "示例"
1100         "Exercise" "练习"
1101         "Figure" "图"
1102         "Graph" "图形"
1103         "Lemma" "引理"
1104         "List of Algorithms" "算法列表"
1105         "List of Charts" "图表列表"
1106         "List of Figures" "图像列表"
1107         "List of Graphs" "图形列表"
1108         "List of Tables" "表格列表"
1109         "Note" "备忘"
1110         "Problem" "问题"
1111         "Proof" "证明"
1112         "Proposition" "Propositio"
1113         "Question" "问题"
1114         "Summary" "摘要"
1115         "Table" "表"
1116         "Theorem" "定理"
1117 End
1119 Translation zh_TW
1120         "Acknowledgement" "致謝"
1121         "Algorithm" "演算法"
1122         "Assumption" "假定"
1123         "Case" "大小寫"
1124         "Claim" "宣稱"
1125         "Conclusion" "結論"
1126         "Condition" "條件"
1127         "Criterion" "條件"
1128         "Definition" "定義"
1129         "Example" "範例"
1130         "Exercise" "練習"
1131         "Figure" "圖片"
1132         "List of Algorithms" "演算法清單"
1133         "List of Figures" "圓圈清單"
1134         "List of Tables" "表格列表"
1135         "Notation" "記法"
1136         "Note" "註記"
1137         "Problem" "問題"
1138         "Proof" "證明"
1139         "Question" "問題"
1140         "Remark" "備註"
1141         "Summary" "概要"
1142         "Table" "表格"
1143         "Theorem" "定理"
1144 End