]> git.lyx.org Git - lyx.git/blob - lib/layouttranslations
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[lyx.git] / lib / layouttranslations
1 # This file has been automatically generated by po/lyx_pot.py.
2 # PLEASE MODIFY ONLY THE LAGUAGES HAVING NO .po FILE! If you want to regenerate
3 # this file from the translations, run `make ../lib/layouttranslations' in po.
4 # Python polib library is needed for building the output file.
5 #
6 # This file should remain fixed during minor LyX releases.
7 # For more comments see README.localization file.
9 Translation ar
10         "Acknowledgement" "الاعتراف"
11         "Acknowledgment" "الاعتراف"
12         "Algorithm" "الخوارزم"
13         "Assumption" "فرضية"
14         "Axiom" "مُسلّمة"
15         "Case" "حالة"
16         "Chart" "رسم بياني"
17         "Claim" "متطلب"
18         "Conclusion" "استنتاج"
19         "Condition" "شرط"
20         "Conjecture" "حدس"
21         "Corollary" "لازمة"
22         "Criterion" "معيار"
23         "Definition" "تعريف"
24         "Example" "مثال"
25         "Exercise" "تمرين"
26         "Fact" "حقيقة"
27         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "شكل بياني"
28         "Lemma" "قضية مساعدة"
29         "List of Algorithms" "قائمة الخوارزميات"
30         "List of Charts" "قائمة الرسوم البيانية"
31         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "قائمة الأشكال البيانية"
32         "List of Listings" "قائمة القوائم"
33         "List of Schemes" "قائمة المخططات"
34         "List of Tableaux" "قائمة الجداول"
35         "Listing" "عمل قوائم"
36         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "القوائم"
37         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "المصطلحات"
38         "Notation" "تدوين"
39         "Note" "ملاحظة"
40         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
41         "Problem" "مشكلة"
42         "Proof" "برهان"
43         "Property" "خاصية"
44         "Proposition" "اقتراح"
45         "Question" "سؤال"
46         "Remark" "تنبيه"
47         "Scheme" "مخطط"
48         "Solution" "حل"
49         "Summary" "موجز"
50         "Tableau" "جدول"
51         "Theorem" "نظرية"
52         "page[[nomencl]]" "صفحة"
53         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "أنظر السؤال"
54 End
56 Translation bg
57         "Acknowledgement" "Благодарности"
58         "Acknowledgment" "Благодарности"
59         "Algorithm" "Aлгоритъм"
60         "Assumption" "Допускане"
61         "Axiom" "Аксиома"
62         "Case" "Случай"
63         "Chart" "Изображение"
64         "Claim" "Твърдение"
65         "Conclusion" "Заключение"
66         "Condition" "Условие"
67         "Conjecture" "Предположение"
68         "Corollary" "Следствие"
69         "Criterion" "Признак"
70         "Definition" "Определение"
71         "Example" "Пример"
72         "Exercise" "Упражнение"
73         "Fact" "Факт"
74         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Графика"
75         "Lemma" "Лема"
76         "List of Algorithms" "Списък на алгоритмите"
77         "List of Charts" "Списък на диаграмите"
78         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Списък на изображенията"
79         "List of Listings" "Списък на списъците"
80         "List of Schemes" "Списък на чертежите"
81         "List of Tableaux" "Списък на таблиците"
82         "Listing" "Списък"
83         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Списъци"
84         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Речник на означенията"
85         "Notation" "Означение"
86         "Note" "Бележка"
87         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Бележки"
88         "Problem" "Задача"
89         "Proof" "Доказателство"
90         "Property" "Своиство"
91         "Proposition" "Твърдение"
92         "Question" "Въпрос"
93         "Remark" "Забележка"
94         "Scheme" "Чертеж"
95         "Solution" "Решение"
96         "Summary" "Обобщение"
97         "Tableau" "Таблица"
98         "Theorem" "Теорема"
99         "page[[nomencl]]" "стр."
100         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "виж"
101 End
103 Translation ca
104         "Acknowledgement" "Agraiment"
105         "Algorithm" "Algorisme"
106         "Assumption" "Assumpció"
107         "Axiom" "Axioma"
108         "Case" "Cas"
109         "Chart" "Chart"
110         "Claim" "Afirmació"
111         "Conclusion" "Conclusió"
112         "Condition" "Condició"
113         "Conjecture" "Conjectura"
114         "Corollary" "Corol·lari"
115         "Criterion" "Criteri"
116         "Definition" "Definició"
117         "Example" "Exemple"
118         "Exercise" "Exercici"
119         "Fact" "Fet"
120         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Graph"
121         "Lemma" "Lema"
122         "List of Algorithms" "Llista d'algorismes"
123         "List of Charts" "List of Charts"
124         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "List of Graphs"
125         "List of Listings" "Llista de llistes"
126         "List of Schemes" "List of Schemes"
127         "List of Tableaux" "List of Tableaux"
128         "Listing" "Llistat"
129         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Listings"
130         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Nomenclature"
131         "Notation" "Notació"
132         "Note" "Nota"
133         "Problem" "Problema"
134         "Proof" "Demostració"
135         "Property" "Propietat"
136         "Proposition" "Proposició"
137         "Question" "Qüestió"
138         "Remark" "Comentari"
139         "Scheme" "Scheme"
140         "Solution" "Solució"
141         "Summary" "Resum"
142         "Tableau" "Tableau"
143         "Theorem" "Teorema"
144         "page[[nomencl]]" "page"
145         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "see equation"
146 End
148 Translation cs
149         "Acknowledgement" "Poděkování"
150         "Acknowledgment" "Poděkování"
151         "Algorithm" "Algoritmus"
152         "Assumption" "Předpoklad"
153         "Axiom" "Axiom"
154         "Case" "Případ"
155         "Chart" "Diagram"
156         "Claim" "Tvrzení"
157         "Conclusion" "Závěr"
158         "Condition" "Podmínka"
159         "Conjecture" "Hypotéza"
160         "Corollary" "Důsledek"
161         "Criterion" "Kritérium"
162         "Definition" "Definice"
163         "Example" "Příklad"
164         "Exercise" "Cvičení"
165         "Fact" "Fakt"
166         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Graf"
167         "Lemma" "Lemma"
168         "List of Algorithms" "Seznam algoritmů"
169         "List of Charts" "Seznam diagramů"
170         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Seznam grafů"
171         "List of Listings" "Seznam výpisů"
172         "List of Schemes" "Seznam schémat"
173         "List of Tableaux" "Seznam tabel"
174         "Listing" "Výpis"
175         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Seznam výpisů"
176         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Nomenklatura"
177         "Notation" "Značení"
178         "Note" "Poznámka"
179         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
180         "Problem" "Úloha"
181         "Proof" "Důkaz"
182         "Property" "Vlastnost"
183         "Proposition" "Tvrzení"
184         "Question" "Otázka"
185         "Remark" "Poznámka"
186         "Scheme" "Schéma"
187         "Solution" "Řešení"
188         "Summary" "Souhrn"
189         "Tableau" "Tablo"
190         "Theorem" "Věta"
191         "page[[nomencl]]" "strana"
192         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "viz rovnice"
193 End
195 Translation da
196         "Acknowledgement" "Anerkendelse"
197         "Algorithm" "Algoritme"
198         "Assumption" "Antagelse"
199         "Axiom" "Aksiom"
200         "Case" "Tilfælde"
201         "Chart" "Diagram"
202         "Claim" "Påstand"
203         "Conclusion" "Konklusion"
204         "Condition" "Betingelse"
205         "Conjecture" "Formodning"
206         "Corollary" "Korollar"
207         "Criterion" "Kriterium"
208         "Definition" "Definition"
209         "Example" "Eksempel"
210         "Exercise" "Øvelse"
211         "Fact" "Faktum"
212         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Graf"
213         "Lemma" "Lemma"
214         "List of Algorithms" "Algoritmeliste"
215         "List of Charts" "Diagramliste"
216         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Grafliste"
217         "List of Listings" "Listings"
218         "List of Schemes" "Schemaliste"
219         "List of Tableaux" "Tableauliste"
220         "Listing" "Listing"
221         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Listings"
222         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Symbolliste"
223         "Notation" "Notation"
224         "Note" "Note"
225         "Problem" "Problem"
226         "Proof" "Bevis"
227         "Property" "Property"
228         "Proposition" "Forslag"
229         "Question" "Spørgsmål"
230         "Remark" "Bemærkning"
231         "Scheme" "Schema"
232         "Solution" "Løsning"
233         "Summary" "Resumé"
234         "Tableau" "Tableau"
235         "Theorem" "Sætning"
236         "page[[nomencl]]" "side"
237         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "se ligning"
238 End
240 Translation de
241         "Acknowledgement" "Danksagung"
242         "Acknowledgment" "Danksagung"
243         "Algorithm" "Algorithmus"
244         "Assumption" "Annahme"
245         "Axiom" "Axiom"
246         "Case" "Fall"
247         "Chart" "Diagramm"
248         "Claim" "Behauptung"
249         "Conclusion" "Schlussfolgerung"
250         "Condition" "Bedingung"
251         "Conjecture" "Vermutung"
252         "Corollary" "Korollar"
253         "Criterion" "Kriterium"
254         "Definition" "Definition"
255         "Example" "Beispiel"
256         "Exercise" "Aufgabe"
257         "Fact" "Fakt"
258         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Graph"
259         "Lemma" "Lemma"
260         "List of Algorithms" "Algorithmenverzeichnis"
261         "List of Charts" "Diagrammverzeichnis"
262         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Graphenverzeichnis"
263         "List of Listings" "Verzeichnis der Programmlistings"
264         "List of Schemes" "Verzeichnis der Schemata"
265         "List of Tableaux" "Tableaux-Verzeichnis"
266         "Listing" "Listing"
267         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Programmlistings"
268         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Nomenklatur"
269         "Notation" "Notation"
270         "Note" "Notiz"
271         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Anmerkungen"
272         "Problem" "Problem"
273         "Proof" "Beweis"
274         "Property" "Eigenschaft"
275         "Proposition" "Satz"
276         "Question" "Frage"
277         "Remark" "Bemerkung"
278         "Scheme" "Schema"
279         "Solution" "Lösung"
280         "Summary" "Zusammenfassung"
281         "Tableau" "Tableau"
282         "Theorem" "Theorem"
283         "page[[nomencl]]" "Seite"
284         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "siehe Gleichung"
285 End
287 Translation de_alt
288         "Conclusion" "Schlußfolgerung"
289 End
291 Translation el
292         "Acknowledgement" "Μνεία"
293         "Acknowledgment" "Μνεία"
294         "Algorithm" "Αλγόριθμος"
295         "Assumption" "Υπόθεση"
296         "Axiom" "Αξίωμα"
297         "Case" "Περίπτωση"
298         "Chart" "Γραφική Παράσταση"
299         "Claim" "Ισχυρισμός"
300         "Conclusion" "Συμπέρασμα"
301         "Condition" "Συνθήκη"
302         "Conjecture" "Εικασία"
303         "Corollary" "Πόρισμα"
304         "Criterion" "Κριτήριο"
305         "Definition" "Ορισμός"
306         "Example" "Παράδειγμα"
307         "Exercise" "Άσκηση"
308         "Fact" "Δεδομένο"
309         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Γράφημα"
310         "Lemma" "Λήμμα"
311         "List of Algorithms" "Λίστα Αλγορίθμων"
312         "List of Charts" "Λίστα Γραφικών Παραστάσεων"
313         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Λίστα Γραφημάτων"
314         "List of Listings" "Λίστα Καταλογοποιήσεων"
315         "List of Schemes" "Λίστα Σχεδίων"
316         "List of Tableaux" "Λίστα Ταμπλό"
317         "Listing" "Καταλογοποίηση"
318         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Καταλογοποιήσεις"
319         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Επιστημονική Ορολογία"
320         "Notation" "Σημειογραφία"
321         "Note" "Σημείωση"
322         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
323         "Problem" "Πρόβλημα"
324         "Proof" "Απόδειξη"
325         "Property" "Ιδιότητα"
326         "Proposition" "Πρόταση"
327         "Question" "Ερώτημα"
328         "Remark" "Παρατήρηση"
329         "Scheme" "Σχέδιο"
330         "Solution" "Λύση"
331         "Summary" "Σύνοψη"
332         "Tableau" "Ταμπλό"
333         "Theorem" "Θεώρημα"
334         "page[[nomencl]]" "σελίδα"
335         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "δείτε εξίσωση"
336 End
338 Translation en
339         "Acknowledgement" "Acknowledgement"
340         "Acknowledgment" "Acknowledgment"
341         "Algorithm" "Algorithm"
342         "Assumption" "Assumption"
343         "Axiom" "Axiom"
344         "Case" "Case"
345         "Chart" "Chart"
346         "Claim" "Claim"
347         "Conclusion" "Conclusion"
348         "Condition" "Condition"
349         "Conjecture" "Conjecture"
350         "Corollary" "Corollary"
351         "Criterion" "Criterion"
352         "Definition" "Definition"
353         "Example" "Example"
354         "Exercise" "Exercise"
355         "Fact" "Fact"
356         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Graph"
357         "Lemma" "Lemma"
358         "List of Algorithms" "List of Algorithms"
359         "List of Charts" "List of Charts"
360         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "List of Graphs"
361         "List of Listings" "List of Listings"
362         "List of Schemes" "List of Schemes"
363         "List of Tableaux" "List of Tableaux"
364         "Listing" "Listing"
365         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Listings"
366         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Nomenclature"
367         "Notation" "Notation"
368         "Note" "Note"
369         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
370         "Problem" "Problem"
371         "Proof" "Proof"
372         "Property" "Property"
373         "Proposition" "Proposition"
374         "Question" "Question"
375         "Remark" "Remark"
376         "Scheme" "Scheme"
377         "Solution" "Solution"
378         "Summary" "Summary"
379         "Tableau" "Tableau"
380         "Theorem" "Theorem"
381         "page[[nomencl]]" "page"
382         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "see equation"
383 End
385 Translation en_GB
386         "Acknowledgment" "Acknowledgement"
387 End
389 Translation es
390         "Acknowledgement" "Agradecimientos"
391         "Acknowledgment" "Agradecimientos"
392         "Algorithm" "Algoritmo"
393         "Assumption" "Suposición"
394         "Axiom" "Axioma"
395         "Case" "Caso"
396         "Chart" "Diagrama"
397         "Claim" "Afirmación"
398         "Conclusion" "Conclusión"
399         "Condition" "Condición"
400         "Conjecture" "Conjetura"
401         "Corollary" "Corolario"
402         "Criterion" "Criterio"
403         "Definition" "Definición"
404         "Example" "Ejemplo"
405         "Exercise" "Ejercicio"
406         "Fact" "Hecho"
407         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Grafo"
408         "Lemma" "Lema"
409         "List of Algorithms" "Algoritmos"
410         "List of Charts" "Índice de diagramas"
411         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Índice de Grafos"
412         "List of Listings" "Listados de código"
413         "List of Schemes" "Índice de esquemas"
414         "List of Tableaux" "Índice de Tableaux"
415         "Listing" "Listado de código"
416         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Listados de código"
417         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Nomenclatura"
418         "Notation" "Notación"
419         "Note" "Nota"
420         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
421         "Problem" "Problema"
422         "Proof" "Demostración"
423         "Property" "Propiedad"
424         "Proposition" "Proposición"
425         "Question" "Pregunta"
426         "Remark" "Observación"
427         "Scheme" "Esquema"
428         "Solution" "Solución"
429         "Summary" "Resumen"
430         "Tableau" "Tableau"
431         "Theorem" "Teorema"
432         "page[[nomencl]]" "página"
433         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "véase la ecuación"
434 End
436 Translation eu
437         "Acknowledgement" "Aitorpena"
438         "Acknowledgment" "Aitorpena"
439         "Algorithm" "Algoritmoa"
440         "Assumption" "Hipotesia"
441         "Axiom" "Axioma"
442         "Case" "Kasua"
443         "Chart" "Diagrama"
444         "Claim" "Aldarrikapena"
445         "Conclusion" "Ondorioa"
446         "Condition" "Baldintza"
447         "Conjecture" "Aierua"
448         "Corollary" "Korolarioa"
449         "Criterion" "Irizpidea"
450         "Definition" "Definizioa"
451         "Example" "Adibidea"
452         "Exercise" "Ariketa"
453         "Fact" "Egitatea"
454         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Grafikoa"
455         "Lemma" "Lema"
456         "List of Algorithms" "Algoritmoen zerrenda"
457         "List of Charts" "Diagramen zerrenda"
458         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Grafikoen zerrenda"
459         "List of Listings" "Zerrendatuen zerrenda"
460         "List of Schemes" "Eskemen zerrenda"
461         "List of Tableaux" "Taulen zerrenda"
462         "Listing" "Zerrendatua"
463         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Zerrendatuak"
464         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Nomenklatura"
465         "Notation" "Notazioa"
466         "Note" "Oharra"
467         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
468         "Problem" "Buruketa"
469         "Proof" "Frogapena"
470         "Property" "Propietatea"
471         "Proposition" "Proposizioa"
472         "Question" "Galdera"
473         "Remark" "Oharpena"
474         "Scheme" "Eskema"
475         "Solution" "Emaitza"
476         "Summary" "Laburpena"
477         "Tableau" "Taula"
478         "Theorem" "Teorema"
479         "page[[nomencl]]" "orrialdea"
480         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "ikus ekuazioa"
481 End
483 Translation fi
484         "Acknowledgement" "Kiitos"
485         "Acknowledgment" "Kiitos"
486         "Algorithm" "Algoritmi"
487         "Assumption" "Oletus"
488         "Axiom" "Aksiooma"
489         "Case" "Tapaus"
490         "Chart" "Kaavio"
491         "Claim" "Väite"
492         "Conclusion" "Päätelmä"
493         "Condition" "Ehto"
494         "Conjecture" "Otaksuma"
495         "Corollary" "Seurauslause"
496         "Criterion" "Kriteeri"
497         "Definition" "Määritelmä"
498         "Example" "Esimerkki"
499         "Exercise" "Harjoitus"
500         "Fact" "Fakta"
501         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Kuvaaja"
502         "Lemma" "Lemma"
503         "List of Algorithms" "Algoritmit"
504         "List of Charts" "Kaaviot"
505         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Kuvaajat"
506         "List of Listings" "Ohjelmalistaukset"
507         "List of Schemes" "Kuvaukset"
508         "List of Tableaux" "Taulut"
509         "Listing" "Ohjelmalistaus"
510         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Ohjelmalistaukset"
511         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Termistö"
512         "Notation" "Merkintätapa"
513         "Note" "Muistiinpano"
514         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
515         "Problem" "Ongelma"
516         "Proof" "Todistus"
517         "Property" "Ominaisuus"
518         "Proposition" "Väittämä"
519         "Question" "Kysymys"
520         "Remark" "Huomautus"
521         "Scheme" "Kuvaus"
522         "Solution" "Ratkaisu"
523         "Summary" "Yhteenveto"
524         "Tableau" "Taulu"
525         "Theorem" "Lause"
526         "page[[nomencl]]" "page"
527         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "see equation"
528 End
530 Translation fr
531         "Acknowledgement" "Remerciements"
532         "Acknowledgment" "Remerciements"
533         "Algorithm" "Algorithme"
534         "Assumption" "Hypothèse"
535         "Axiom" "Axiome"
536         "Case" "Cas"
537         "Chart" "Diagramme"
538         "Claim" "Affirmation"
539         "Conclusion" "Conclusion"
540         "Condition" "Condition"
541         "Conjecture" "Conjecture"
542         "Corollary" "Corollaire"
543         "Criterion" "Critère"
544         "Definition" "Définition"
545         "Example" "Exemple"
546         "Exercise" "Exercice"
547         "Fact" "Fait"
548         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Graphique"
549         "Lemma" "Lemme"
550         "List of Algorithms" "Liste des algorithmes"
551         "List of Charts" "Liste des diagrammes"
552         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Liste des graphiques"
553         "List of Listings" "Liste des listings"
554         "List of Schemes" "Liste des schémas"
555         "List of Tableaux" "Liste des tableaux"
556         "Listing" "Listing"
557         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Liste des listings"
558         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Liste des symboles"
559         "Notation" "Notation"
560         "Note" "Note"
561         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
562         "Problem" "Problème"
563         "Proof" "Preuve"
564         "Property" "Propriété"
565         "Proposition" "Proposition"
566         "Question" "Question"
567         "Remark" "Remarque"
568         "Scheme" "Schéma"
569         "Solution" "Solution"
570         "Summary" "Résumé"
571         "Tableau" "Tableau"
572         "Theorem" "Théorème"
573         "page[[nomencl]]" "page"
574         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "voir équation"
575 End
577 Translation gl
578         "Acknowledgement" "Agradecimento"
579         "Algorithm" "Algoritmo"
580         "Assumption" "Suposición"
581         "Axiom" "Axioma"
582         "Case" "Caso"
583         "Chart" "Chart"
584         "Claim" "Afirmación"
585         "Conclusion" "Conclusión"
586         "Condition" "Condición"
587         "Conjecture" "Conxetura"
588         "Corollary" "Corolário"
589         "Criterion" "Critério"
590         "Definition" "Definición"
591         "Example" "Exemplo"
592         "Exercise" "Exercício"
593         "Fact" "Facto"
594         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Graph"
595         "Lemma" "Lema"
596         "List of Algorithms" "Lista de algoritmos"
597         "List of Charts" "List of Charts"
598         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "List of Graphs"
599         "List of Listings" "Listings"
600         "List of Schemes" "List of Schemes"
601         "List of Tableaux" "List of Tableaux"
602         "Listing" "Lista"
603         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Listings"
604         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Nomenclature"
605         "Notation" "Notación"
606         "Note" "Nota"
607         "Problem" "Problema"
608         "Proof" "Demostración"
609         "Property" "Propriedade"
610         "Proposition" "Proposición"
611         "Question" "Pergunta"
612         "Remark" "Observación"
613         "Scheme" "Scheme"
614         "Solution" "Solución"
615         "Summary" "Resumo"
616         "Tableau" "Tableau"
617         "Theorem" "Teorema"
618         "page[[nomencl]]" "page"
619         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "see equation"
620 End
622 Translation he
623         "Acknowledgement" "הכרת תודה"
624         "Acknowledgment" "הכרת תודה"
625         "Algorithm" "אלגוריתם"
626         "Assumption" "הנחה"
627         "Axiom" "אקסיומה"
628         "Case" "מקרה"
629         "Chart" "תרשים"
630         "Claim" "טענה"
631         "Conclusion" "סיכום"
632         "Condition" "תנאי"
633         "Conjecture" "השערה"
634         "Corollary" "מסקנה"
635         "Criterion" "קריטריון"
636         "Definition" "הגדרה"
637         "Example" "דוגמה"
638         "Exercise" "תרגיל"
639         "Fact" "עובדה"
640         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "גרף"
641         "Lemma" "למה"
642         "List of Algorithms" "רשימת אלגוריתמים"
643         "List of Charts" "רשימת תרשימים"
644         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "רשימת גרפים"
645         "List of Listings" "Listings"
646         "List of Schemes" "רשימת סכמות"
647         "List of Tableaux" "List of Tableaux"
648         "Listing" "רישום קוד"
649         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Listings"
650         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "נומנקלטורה"
651         "Notation" "צורת רישום"
652         "Note" "הערה"
653         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
654         "Problem" "בעיה"
655         "Proof" "הוכחה"
656         "Property" "תכונה"
657         "Proposition" "הצעה"
658         "Question" "שאלה"
659         "Remark" "הערה"
660         "Scheme" "סכמה"
661         "Solution" "פתרון"
662         "Summary" "סיכום"
663         "Tableau" "Tableau"
664         "Theorem" "משפט"
665         "page[[nomencl]]" "page"
666         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "see equation"
667 End
669 Translation hr
670         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Popis simbola"
671         "page[[nomencl]]" "stranica"
672         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "vidi jednadžbu"
673 End
675 Translation hu
676         "Acknowledgement" "Köszönetnyilvánítás"
677         "Acknowledgment" "Köszönetnyilvánítás"
678         "Algorithm" "Algoritmus"
679         "Assumption" "Feltevés"
680         "Axiom" "Axióma"
681         "Case" "Eset"
682         "Chart" "Diagram"
683         "Claim" "Igény"
684         "Conclusion" "Következtetés"
685         "Condition" "Feltétel"
686         "Conjecture" "Feltevés"
687         "Corollary" "Következmény"
688         "Criterion" "Kritérium"
689         "Definition" "Definíció"
690         "Example" "Példa"
691         "Exercise" "Gyakorlat"
692         "Fact" "Tény"
693         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Grafikon"
694         "Lemma" "Segédtétel"
695         "List of Algorithms" "Algoritmusok listája"
696         "List of Charts" "Diagramok listája"
697         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Grafikonok listája"
698         "List of Listings" "Forráskódok listája"
699         "List of Schemes" "Sémák listája"
700         "List of Tableaux" "Csoportképek listája"
701         "Listing" "Forráskód"
702         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Forráskódok"
703         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Szakkifejezés"
704         "Notation" "Jelölés"
705         "Note" "Megjegyzés"
706         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
707         "Problem" "Probléma"
708         "Proof" "Bizonyítás"
709         "Property" "Tulajdonság"
710         "Proposition" "Állítás"
711         "Question" "Kérdés"
712         "Remark" "Észrevétel"
713         "Scheme" "Séma"
714         "Solution" "Megoldás"
715         "Summary" "Összegzés"
716         "Tableau" "Csoportkép"
717         "Theorem" "Tétel"
718         "page[[nomencl]]" "oldal"
719         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "lásd képlet"
720 End
722 Translation ia
723         "Acknowledgement" "Recognoscentia"
724         "Acknowledgment" "Recognoscentia"
725         "Algorithm" "Algorithmo"
726         "Assumption" "Assumption"
727         "Axiom" "Axioma"
728         "Case" "Caso"
729         "Chart" "Diagramma"
730         "Claim" "Assertion"
731         "Conclusion" "Conclusion"
732         "Condition" "Condition"
733         "Conjecture" "Conjectura"
734         "Corollary" "Corollario"
735         "Criterion" "Criterio"
736         "Definition" "Definition"
737         "Example" "Exemplo"
738         "Exercise" "Exercitio"
739         "Fact" "Facto"
740         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Grapho"
741         "Lemma" "Lemma"
742         "List of Algorithms" "Lista del algorithmos"
743         "List of Charts" "Lista de diagrammas"
744         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Lista de graphos"
745         "List of Listings" "Lista de listas"
746         "List of Schemes" "Lista de schemas"
747         "List of Tableaux" "Lista de tableau"
748         "Listing" "Listar o Lista"
749         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Listas"
750         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Nomenclatura"
751         "Notation" "Notation"
752         "Note" "Nota"
753         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notas"
754         "Problem" "Problema"
755         "Proof" "Demonstration"
756         "Property" "Proprietate"
757         "Proposition" "Proposition"
758         "Question" "Question"
759         "Remark" "Observation"
760         "Scheme" "Schema"
761         "Solution" "Solution"
762         "Summary" "Summario"
763         "Tableau" "Tableau"
764         "Theorem" "Theorema"
765         "page[[nomencl]]" "pagina"
766         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "vide equation"
767 End
769 Translation id
770         "Acknowledgement" "Penghargaan"
771         "Acknowledgment" "Penghargaan"
772         "Algorithm" "Algoritma"
773         "Assumption" "Asumsi"
774         "Axiom" "Aksioma"
775         "Case" "Kasus"
776         "Chart" "Diagram"
777         "Claim" "Klaim"
778         "Conclusion" "Kesimpulan"
779         "Condition" "Kondisi"
780         "Conjecture" "Dugaan"
781         "Corollary" "Korolari"
782         "Criterion" "Kriteria"
783         "Definition" "Definisi"
784         "Example" "Contoh"
785         "Exercise" "Latihan"
786         "Fact" "Fakta"
787         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Grafik"
788         "Lemma" "Lemma"
789         "List of Algorithms" "Daftar Algoritma"
790         "List of Charts" "Daftar Diagram"
791         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Daftar Grafik"
792         "List of Listings" "Daftar dari Semua Daftar"
793         "List of Schemes" "Daftar Skema"
794         "List of Tableaux" "Daftar Tableaux"
795         "Listing" "Listing"
796         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Daftar"
797         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Nomenklatur"
798         "Notation" "Notasi"
799         "Note" "Catatan"
800         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Catatan "
801         "Problem" "Masalah"
802         "Proof" "Pruf"
803         "Property" "Properti"
804         "Proposition" "Proposisi"
805         "Question" "Pertanyaan"
806         "Remark" "Catatan"
807         "Scheme" "Skema"
808         "Solution" "Penyelesaian"
809         "Summary" "Ringkasan"
810         "Tableau" "Tableau"
811         "Theorem" "Teorema"
812         "page[[nomencl]]" "halaman"
813         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "lihat persamaan"
814 End
816 Translation it
817         "Acknowledgement" "Riconoscimento"
818         "Acknowledgment" "Riconoscimento"
819         "Algorithm" "Algoritmo"
820         "Assumption" "Assunzione"
821         "Axiom" "Assioma"
822         "Case" "Caso"
823         "Chart" "Diagramma"
824         "Claim" "Asserzione"
825         "Conclusion" "Conclusione"
826         "Condition" "Condizione"
827         "Conjecture" "Congettura"
828         "Corollary" "Corollario"
829         "Criterion" "Criterio"
830         "Definition" "Definizione"
831         "Example" "Esempio"
832         "Exercise" "Esercizio"
833         "Fact" "Fatto"
834         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Grafo"
835         "Lemma" "Lemma"
836         "List of Algorithms" "Elenco degli algoritmi"
837         "List of Charts" "Elenco dei diagrammi"
838         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Elenco dei grafi"
839         "List of Listings" "Elenco dei listati"
840         "List of Schemes" "Elenco degli schemi"
841         "List of Tableaux" "Elenco dei tableau"
842         "Listing" "Listato"
843         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Elenco dei listati"
844         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Elenco dei simboli"
845         "Notation" "Notazione"
846         "Note" "Nota"
847         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Note"
848         "Problem" "Problema"
849         "Proof" "Dimostrazione"
850         "Property" "Proprietà"
851         "Proposition" "Proposizione"
852         "Question" "Quesito"
853         "Remark" "Osservazione"
854         "Scheme" "Schema"
855         "Solution" "Soluzione"
856         "Summary" "Sommario"
857         "Tableau" "Tableau"
858         "Theorem" "Teorema"
859         "page[[nomencl]]" "pagina"
860         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "vedi equazione"
861 End
863 Translation ja
864         "Acknowledgement" "謝辞"
865         "Acknowledgment" "謝辞"
866         "Algorithm" "アルゴリズム"
867         "Assumption" "仮定"
868         "Axiom" "公理"
869         "Case" "ケース"
870         "Chart" "チャート"
871         "Claim" "主張"
872         "Conclusion" "結論"
873         "Condition" "条件"
874         "Conjecture" "予想"
875         "Corollary" "系"
876         "Criterion" "基準"
877         "Definition" "定義"
878         "Example" "例"
879         "Exercise" "演習"
880         "Fact" "事実"
881         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "グラフ"
882         "Lemma" "補題"
883         "List of Algorithms" "アルゴリズム一覧"
884         "List of Charts" "チャート一覧"
885         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "グラフ一覧"
886         "List of Listings" "プログラムリスト一覧"
887         "List of Schemes" "スキーム一覧"
888         "List of Tableaux" "絵画一覧"
889         "Listing" "プログラムリスト"
890         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "プログラムリスト"
891         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "用語集"
892         "Notation" "記法"
893         "Note" "註釈"
894         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
895         "Problem" "問題"
896         "Proof" "証明"
897         "Property" "性質"
898         "Proposition" "命題"
899         "Question" "問"
900         "Remark" "注意"
901         "Scheme" "スキーム"
902         "Solution" "解"
903         "Summary" "要約"
904         "Tableau" "絵画"
905         "Theorem" "定理"
906         "page[[nomencl]]" "page"
907         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "see equation"
908 End
910 Translation ko
911         "Acknowledgement" "Acknowledgement"
912         "Algorithm" "알고리듬"
913         "Assumption" "Assumption"
914         "Axiom" "Axiom"
915         "Case" "Case"
916         "Chart" "차트"
917         "Claim" "Claim"
918         "Conclusion" "Conclusion"
919         "Condition" "Condition"
920         "Conjecture" "Conjecture"
921         "Corollary" "Corollary"
922         "Criterion" "Criterion"
923         "Definition" "Definition"
924         "Example" "Example"
925         "Exercise" "Exercise"
926         "Fact" "Fact"
927         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "그래프"
928         "Lemma" "Lemma"
929         "List of Algorithms" "알고리듬 목록"
930         "List of Charts" "차트 목록"
931         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "그래프 목록"
932         "List of Listings" "Listings"
933         "List of Schemes" "List of Schemes"
934         "List of Tableaux" "List of Tableaux"
935         "Listing" "Listing"
936         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Listings"
937         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Nomenclature"
938         "Notation" "Notation"
939         "Note" "노우트(Note)"
940         "Problem" "Problem"
941         "Proof" "Proof"
942         "Property" "Property"
943         "Proposition" "Proposition"
944         "Question" "Question"
945         "Remark" "Remark"
946         "Scheme" "Scheme"
947         "Solution" "Solution"
948         "Summary" "Summary"
949         "Tableau" "Tableau"
950         "Theorem" "Theorem"
951         "page[[nomencl]]" "page"
952         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "see equation"
953 End
955 Translation nb
956         "Acknowledgement" "Takk til"
957         "Acknowledgment" "Takk til"
958         "Algorithm" "Algoritme"
959         "Assumption" "Antagelse"
960         "Axiom" "Aksiom"
961         "Case" "Tilfelle"
962         "Chart" "Diagram"
963         "Claim" "Påstand"
964         "Conclusion" "Konklusjon"
965         "Condition" "Forutsetning"
966         "Conjecture" "Konjektur"
967         "Corollary" "Korollar"
968         "Criterion" "Kriterie"
969         "Definition" "Definisjon"
970         "Example" "Eksempel"
971         "Exercise" "Oppgave"
972         "Fact" "Faktum"
973         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Graf"
974         "Lemma" "Lemma"
975         "List of Algorithms" "Algoritmer"
976         "List of Charts" "Diagrammer"
977         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Grafer"
978         "List of Listings" "Liste over programlister"
979         "List of Schemes" "Struktruformler"
980         "List of Tableaux" "Tablåer"
981         "Listing" "«Listing»"
982         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Liste over programlister"
983         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Nomenklatur"
984         "Notation" "Notasjon"
985         "Note" "Merknad"
986         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
987         "Problem" "Problem"
988         "Proof" "Bevis"
989         "Property" "Egenskap"
990         "Proposition" "Proposisjon"
991         "Question" "Spørsmål"
992         "Remark" "Merknad"
993         "Scheme" "Strukturformel"
994         "Solution" "Løsning"
995         "Summary" "Sammendrag"
996         "Tableau" "Tablå"
997         "Theorem" "Teorem"
998         "page[[nomencl]]" "page"
999         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "see equation"
1000 End
1002 Translation nl
1003         "Acknowledgement" "Dankbetuiging"
1004         "Acknowledgment" "Dankbetuiging"
1005         "Algorithm" "Algoritme"
1006         "Assumption" "Aanname"
1007         "Axiom" "Axioma"
1008         "Case" "Geval"
1009         "Chart" "Grafiek"
1010         "Claim" "Bewering"
1011         "Conclusion" "Conclusie"
1012         "Condition" "Voorwaarde"
1013         "Conjecture" "Vermoeden"
1014         "Corollary" "Corollarium"
1015         "Criterion" "Criterium"
1016         "Definition" "Definitie"
1017         "Example" "Voorbeeld"
1018         "Exercise" "Oefening"
1019         "Fact" "Feit"
1020         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Graaf"
1021         "Lemma" "Lemma"
1022         "List of Algorithms" "Lijst van algoritmen"
1023         "List of Charts" "Lijst van grafieken"
1024         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Lijst van grafen"
1025         "List of Listings" "Lijst van codefragmenten"
1026         "List of Schemes" "Lijst van schemata"
1027         "List of Tableaux" "Lijst van Tableaux"
1028         "Listing" "Codefragment"
1029         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Codefragmenten"
1030         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Begrippenlijst"
1031         "Notation" "Notatie"
1032         "Note" "Aantekening"
1033         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
1034         "Problem" "Probleem"
1035         "Proof" "Bewijs"
1036         "Property" "Eigenschap"
1037         "Proposition" "Propositie"
1038         "Question" "Vraag"
1039         "Remark" "Opmerking"
1040         "Scheme" "Schema"
1041         "Solution" "Oplossing"
1042         "Summary" "Samenvatting"
1043         "Tableau" "Tableau"
1044         "Theorem" "Stelling"
1045         "page[[nomencl]]" "pagina"
1046         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "zie vergelijking"
1047 End
1049 Translation nn
1050         "Acknowledgement" "Takk til"
1051         "Acknowledgment" "Takk"
1052         "Algorithm" "Algoritme"
1053         "Assumption" "Asumpsjon"
1054         "Axiom" "Aksiom"
1055         "Case" "Tilfelle"
1056         "Chart" "Diagram"
1057         "Claim" "Påstand"
1058         "Conclusion" "Konklusjon"
1059         "Condition" "Vilkår"
1060         "Conjecture" "Konjektur"
1061         "Corollary" "Korollar"
1062         "Criterion" "Kriterium"
1063         "Definition" "Definisjon"
1064         "Example" "Døme"
1065         "Exercise" "Øving"
1066         "Fact" "Faktum"
1067         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Graf"
1068         "Lemma" "Lemma"
1069         "List of Algorithms" "Liste over algoritmer"
1070         "List of Charts" "Liste over diagram"
1071         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Liste over grafar"
1072         "List of Listings" "Liste over kodelister"
1073         "List of Schemes" "Liste over skjema"
1074         "List of Tableaux" "Liste over tablå"
1075         "Listing" "Kodeliste"
1076         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Liste over kodelister"
1077         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Nomenklatur"
1078         "Notation" "Notasjon"
1079         "Note" "Notis"
1080         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
1081         "Problem" "Problem"
1082         "Proof" "Prov"
1083         "Property" "Eigenskapar"
1084         "Proposition" "Framlegg"
1085         "Question" "Spørsmål"
1086         "Remark" "Merknad"
1087         "Scheme" "Skjema"
1088         "Solution" "Løysing"
1089         "Summary" "Samandrag"
1090         "Tableau" "Tablå"
1091         "Theorem" "Teorem"
1092         "page[[nomencl]]" "page"
1093         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "see equation"
1094 End
1096 Translation pl
1097         "Acknowledgement" "Podziękowanie"
1098         "Acknowledgment" "Podziękowanie"
1099         "Algorithm" "Algorytm"
1100         "Assumption" "Założenie"
1101         "Axiom" "Aksjomat"
1102         "Case" "Przypadek"
1103         "Chart" "Diagram"
1104         "Claim" "Stwierdzenie"
1105         "Conclusion" "Konkluzja"
1106         "Condition" "Warunek"
1107         "Conjecture" "Hipoteza"
1108         "Corollary" "Wniosek"
1109         "Criterion" "Kryterium"
1110         "Definition" "Definicja"
1111         "Example" "Przykład"
1112         "Exercise" "Ćwiczenie"
1113         "Fact" "Fakt"
1114         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Graf"
1115         "Lemma" "Lemat"
1116         "List of Algorithms" "Lista algorytmów"
1117         "List of Charts" "Lista diagramów"
1118         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Lista grafów"
1119         "List of Listings" "Lista listingów"
1120         "List of Schemes" "Lista schematów"
1121         "List of Tableaux" "Lista tableaux"
1122         "Listing" "Listing"
1123         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Lista listingi"
1124         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Lista symboli"
1125         "Notation" "Notacja"
1126         "Note" "Notka"
1127         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
1128         "Problem" "Problem"
1129         "Proof" "Dowód"
1130         "Property" "Własność"
1131         "Proposition" "Propozycja"
1132         "Question" "Pytanie"
1133         "Remark" "Uwaga"
1134         "Scheme" "Schemat"
1135         "Solution" "Rozwiązanie"
1136         "Summary" "Podsumowanie"
1137         "Tableau" "Tableau"
1138         "Theorem" "Twierdzenie"
1139         "page[[nomencl]]" "strona"
1140         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "porownaj rownanie"
1141 End
1143 Translation pt_BR
1144         "Acknowledgement" "Agradecimento"
1145         "Acknowledgment" "Agradecimento"
1146         "Algorithm" "Algoritmo"
1147         "Assumption" "Suposição"
1148         "Axiom" "Axioma"
1149         "Case" "Caso"
1150         "Chart" "Gráfico"
1151         "Claim" "Afirmação"
1152         "Conclusion" "Conclusão"
1153         "Condition" "Condição"
1154         "Conjecture" "Conjetura"
1155         "Corollary" "Corolário"
1156         "Criterion" "Critério"
1157         "Definition" "Definição"
1158         "Example" "Exemplo"
1159         "Exercise" "Exercício"
1160         "Fact" "Fato"
1161         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Grafo"
1162         "Lemma" "Lema"
1163         "List of Algorithms" "Lista de Algoritmos"
1164         "List of Charts" "Lista de Gráficos"
1165         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Lista de Grafos"
1166         "List of Listings" "Lista de Listagens"
1167         "List of Schemes" "Lista de Esquemas"
1168         "List of Tableaux" "Lista de Tableaux"
1169         "Listing" "Listagem"
1170         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Listagens"
1171         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Nomenclatura"
1172         "Notation" "Notação"
1173         "Note" "Nota"
1174         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
1175         "Problem" "Problema"
1176         "Proof" "Prova"
1177         "Property" "Propriedade"
1178         "Proposition" "Proposição"
1179         "Question" "Pergunta"
1180         "Remark" "Observação"
1181         "Scheme" "Esquema"
1182         "Solution" "Solução"
1183         "Summary" "Resumo"
1184         "Tableau" "Tableau"
1185         "Theorem" "Teorema"
1186         "page[[nomencl]]" "página"
1187         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "veja equação"
1188 End
1190 Translation pt_PT
1191         "Acknowledgement" "Agradecimento"
1192         "Acknowledgment" "Agradecimento"
1193         "Algorithm" "Algoritmo"
1194         "Assumption" "Suposição"
1195         "Axiom" "Axioma"
1196         "Case" "Caso"
1197         "Chart" "Diagrama"
1198         "Claim" "Afirmação"
1199         "Conclusion" "Conclusão"
1200         "Condition" "Condição"
1201         "Conjecture" "Conjectura"
1202         "Corollary" "Corolário"
1203         "Criterion" "Critério"
1204         "Definition" "Definição"
1205         "Example" "Exemplo"
1206         "Exercise" "Exercício"
1207         "Fact" "Facto"
1208         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Grafo"
1209         "Lemma" "Lema"
1210         "List of Algorithms" "Lista de Algoritmos"
1211         "List of Charts" "Lista de Diagramas"
1212         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Lista de Grafos"
1213         "List of Listings" "Lista de Listagens"
1214         "List of Schemes" "Lista de Esquemas"
1215         "List of Tableaux" "Lista de Quadros"
1216         "Listing" "Listagem"
1217         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Lista de Listagens"
1218         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Nomenclatura"
1219         "Notation" "Notação"
1220         "Note" "Nota"
1221         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
1222         "Problem" "Problema"
1223         "Proof" "Prova"
1224         "Property" "Propriedade"
1225         "Proposition" "Proposição"
1226         "Question" "Pergunta"
1227         "Remark" "Observação"
1228         "Scheme" "Esquema"
1229         "Solution" "Solução"
1230         "Summary" "Sumário"
1231         "Tableau" "Quadro"
1232         "Theorem" "Teorema"
1233         "page[[nomencl]]" "página"
1234         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "veja equação"
1235 End
1237 Translation ro
1238         "Acknowledgement" "Mulțumiri"
1239         "Algorithm" "Algoritm"
1240         "Assumption" "Ipoteză"
1241         "Axiom" "Axiomă"
1242         "Case" "Caz"
1243         "Chart" "Diagramă"
1244         "Claim" "Afirmație"
1245         "Conclusion" "Concluzie"
1246         "Condition" "Condiție"
1247         "Conjecture" "Presupunere"
1248         "Corollary" "Corolar"
1249         "Criterion" "Criteriu"
1250         "Definition" "Definiție"
1251         "Example" "Exemplu"
1252         "Exercise" "Exercițiu"
1253         "Fact" "Fapt"
1254         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Grafic"
1255         "Lemma" "Lemă"
1256         "List of Algorithms" "Listă de Algoritmi"
1257         "List of Charts" "Listă de Diagrame"
1258         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Listă de Grafice"
1259         "List of Listings" "Listings"
1260         "List of Schemes" "Listă de Scheme"
1261         "List of Tableaux" "Listă de Tabele"
1262         "Listing" "Listare"
1263         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Listings"
1264         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Nomenclature"
1265         "Notation" "Notație"
1266         "Note" "Notă"
1267         "Problem" "Problemă"
1268         "Proof" "Demonstrație"
1269         "Property" "Proprietate"
1270         "Proposition" "Propoziție"
1271         "Question" "Întrebare"
1272         "Remark" "Remarcă"
1273         "Scheme" "Schemă"
1274         "Solution" "Soluție"
1275         "Summary" "Rezumat"
1276         "Tableau" "Tabel"
1277         "Theorem" "Teoremă"
1278         "page[[nomencl]]" "page"
1279         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "see equation"
1280 End
1282 Translation ru
1283         "Acknowledgement" "Подтверждение"
1284         "Acknowledgment" "Подтверждение"
1285         "Algorithm" "Алгоритм"
1286         "Assumption" "Допущение"
1287         "Axiom" "Аксиома"
1288         "Case" "Случай"
1289         "Chart" "Диаграмма"
1290         "Claim" "Утверждение"
1291         "Conclusion" "Заключение"
1292         "Condition" "Условие"
1293         "Conjecture" "Гипотеза"
1294         "Corollary" "Следствие"
1295         "Criterion" "Критерий"
1296         "Definition" "Определение"
1297         "Example" "Пример"
1298         "Exercise" "Упражнение"
1299         "Fact" "Факт"
1300         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "График"
1301         "Lemma" "Лемма"
1302         "List of Algorithms" "Список алгоритмов"
1303         "List of Charts" "Список диаграмм"
1304         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Список графиков"
1305         "List of Listings" "Список листингов"
1306         "List of Schemes" "Список схем"
1307         "List of Tableaux" "Список таблиц"
1308         "Listing" "Листинг"
1309         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Листинги"
1310         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Список обозначений"
1311         "Notation" "Обозначение"
1312         "Note" "Заметка"
1313         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Сноски"
1314         "Problem" "Задача"
1315         "Proof" "Доказательство"
1316         "Property" "Свойство"
1317         "Proposition" "Предложение"
1318         "Question" "Вопрос"
1319         "Remark" "Замечание"
1320         "Scheme" "Схема"
1321         "Solution" "Решение"
1322         "Summary" "Резюме"
1323         "Tableau" "Таблица"
1324         "Theorem" "Теорема"
1325         "page[[nomencl]]" "стр."
1326         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "см."
1327 End
1329 Translation sk
1330         "Acknowledgement" "Poďakovania"
1331         "Acknowledgment" "Poďakovania"
1332         "Algorithm" "Algoritmus"
1333         "Assumption" "Predpoklad"
1334         "Axiom" "Axióma"
1335         "Case" "Prípad"
1336         "Chart" "Diagram"
1337         "Claim" "Nárok"
1338         "Conclusion" "Záver"
1339         "Condition" "Podmienka"
1340         "Conjecture" "Hypotéza"
1341         "Corollary" "Korolár"
1342         "Criterion" "Kritérium"
1343         "Definition" "Definícia"
1344         "Example" "Príklad"
1345         "Exercise" "Úloha"
1346         "Fact" "Fakt"
1347         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Graf"
1348         "Lemma" "Lemma"
1349         "List of Algorithms" "Zoznam algoritmov"
1350         "List of Charts" "Zoznam diagramov"
1351         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Zoznam grafov"
1352         "List of Listings" "Zoznam výpisov"
1353         "List of Schemes" "Zoznam náčrtkov"
1354         "List of Tableaux" "Zoznam tablov"
1355         "Listing" "Výpis"
1356         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Zoznam výpisov"
1357         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Nomenklatúra"
1358         "Notation" "Notácia"
1359         "Note" "Poznámka"
1360         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Pripomienky"
1361         "Problem" "Problém"
1362         "Proof" "Dôkaz"
1363         "Property" "Vlastnosť"
1364         "Proposition" "Tvrdenie"
1365         "Question" "Otázka"
1366         "Remark" "Pripomienka"
1367         "Scheme" "Náčrtok"
1368         "Solution" "Riešenie"
1369         "Summary" "Súhrn"
1370         "Tableau" "Tablo"
1371         "Theorem" "Teoréma"
1372         "page[[nomencl]]" "strana"
1373         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "porovnaj s rovnicou"
1374 End
1376 Translation sl
1377         "Acknowledgement" "Priznanje"
1378         "Algorithm" "Algoritem"
1379         "Assumption" "Assumption"
1380         "Axiom" "Aksiom"
1381         "Case" "Primer"
1382         "Chart" "Chart"
1383         "Claim" "Trditev"
1384         "Conclusion" "Sklep"
1385         "Condition" "Pogoj"
1386         "Conjecture" "Domneva"
1387         "Corollary" "Korolar"
1388         "Criterion" "Kriterij"
1389         "Definition" "Definicija"
1390         "Example" "Zgled"
1391         "Exercise" "Vaja"
1392         "Fact" "Dejstvo"
1393         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Graph"
1394         "Lemma" "Lema"
1395         "List of Algorithms" "List of Algorithms"
1396         "List of Charts" "List of Charts"
1397         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "List of Graphs"
1398         "List of Listings" "Listings"
1399         "List of Schemes" "List of Schemes"
1400         "List of Tableaux" "List of Tableaux"
1401         "Listing" "Listing"
1402         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Listings"
1403         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Nomenclature"
1404         "Notation" "Zapis"
1405         "Note" "Opomba"
1406         "Problem" "Problem"
1407         "Proof" "Dokaz"
1408         "Property" "Lastnost"
1409         "Proposition" "Podmena"
1410         "Question" "Vprašanje"
1411         "Remark" "Pripomba"
1412         "Scheme" "Scheme"
1413         "Solution" "Rešitev"
1414         "Summary" "Povzetek"
1415         "Tableau" "Tableau"
1416         "Theorem" "Izrek"
1417         "page[[nomencl]]" "page"
1418         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "see equation"
1419 End
1421 Translation sr
1422         "Acknowledgement" "Zahvalnost"
1423         "Algorithm" "Algoritam"
1424         "Assumption" "Pretpostavka"
1425         "Axiom" "Aksiom"
1426         "Case" "Slučaj"
1427         "Chart" "Dijagram"
1428         "Claim" "Tvrdnja"
1429         "Conclusion" "Zaključak"
1430         "Condition" "Uslov"
1431         "Conjecture" "Pretpostavka"
1432         "Corollary" "Posledica"
1433         "Criterion" "Kriterijum"
1434         "Definition" "Definicija"
1435         "Example" "Primer"
1436         "Exercise" "Vežba"
1437         "Fact" "Činjenica"
1438         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Grafikon"
1439         "Lemma" "Lemma"
1440         "List of Algorithms" "Spisak Algoritama"
1441         "List of Charts" "Spisak Dijagrama"
1442         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Spisak Grafikona"
1443         "List of Listings" "Listings"
1444         "List of Schemes" "Spisak Šema"
1445         "List of Tableaux" "Spisak Tabela "
1446         "Listing" "Listing"
1447         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Listings"
1448         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Nomenclature"
1449         "Notation" "Zabeleška"
1450         "Note" "Napomena"
1451         "Problem" "Problem"
1452         "Proof" "Dokaz"
1453         "Property" "Osobina"
1454         "Proposition" "Predlog"
1455         "Question" "Pitanje"
1456         "Remark" "Napomena"
1457         "Scheme" "Šema"
1458         "Solution" "Rešenje"
1459         "Summary" "Rezime"
1460         "Tableau" "Tabela"
1461         "Theorem" "Teorema"
1462         "page[[nomencl]]" "page"
1463         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "see equation"
1464 End
1466 Translation sv
1467         "Acknowledgement" "Tacksägelse"
1468         "Acknowledgment" "Tacksägelse"
1469         "Algorithm" "Algoritm"
1470         "Assumption" "Antagande"
1471         "Axiom" "Axiom"
1472         "Case" "Fall"
1473         "Chart" "Diagram"
1474         "Claim" "Påstående"
1475         "Conclusion" "Slutsats"
1476         "Condition" "Villkor"
1477         "Conjecture" "Förmodan"
1478         "Corollary" "Korollarium"
1479         "Criterion" "Kriterium"
1480         "Definition" "Definition"
1481         "Example" "Exempel"
1482         "Exercise" "Övning"
1483         "Fact" "Faktum"
1484         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Graf"
1485         "Lemma" "Lemma"
1486         "List of Algorithms" "Lista över algoritmer"
1487         "List of Charts" "Lista över diagram"
1488         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Lista över grafer"
1489         "List of Listings" "Lista över listningar"
1490         "List of Schemes" "Lista över scheman"
1491         "List of Tableaux" "Lista över tablåer"
1492         "Listing" "Listning"
1493         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Listningar"
1494         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Nomenklatur"
1495         "Notation" "Notation"
1496         "Note" "Not"
1497         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
1498         "Problem" "Problem"
1499         "Proof" "Bevis"
1500         "Property" "Egenskap"
1501         "Proposition" "Proposition"
1502         "Question" "Fråga"
1503         "Remark" "Anmärkning"
1504         "Scheme" "Schema"
1505         "Solution" "Lösning"
1506         "Summary" "Sammanfattning"
1507         "Tableau" "Tablå"
1508         "Theorem" "Teorem"
1509         "page[[nomencl]]" "sida"
1510         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "se ekvation"
1511 End
1513 Translation tr
1514         "Acknowledgement" "Teşekkür"
1515         "Acknowledgment" "Teşekkür"
1516         "Algorithm" "Algoritma"
1517         "Assumption" "Varsayım"
1518         "Axiom" "Aksiyom"
1519         "Case" "Durum"
1520         "Chart" "Chart"
1521         "Claim" "İddia"
1522         "Conclusion" "Sonuç"
1523         "Condition" "Koşul"
1524         "Conjecture" "Varsayım"
1525         "Corollary" "Doğal Sonuç"
1526         "Criterion" "Kriter"
1527         "Definition" "Tanım"
1528         "Example" "Örnek"
1529         "Exercise" "Alıştırma"
1530         "Fact" "Olgu"
1531         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Graph"
1532         "Lemma" "Lemma"
1533         "List of Algorithms" "Algoritma Listesi"
1534         "List of Charts" "List of Charts"
1535         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "List of Graphs"
1536         "List of Listings" "Listeleme Listesi"
1537         "List of Schemes" "Plan Listesi"
1538         "List of Tableaux" "Tablo Listesi"
1539         "Listing" "Liste"
1540         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Listings"
1541         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Terminoloji"
1542         "Notation" "Notasyon"
1543         "Note" "Not"
1544         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
1545         "Problem" "Problem"
1546         "Proof" "İspat"
1547         "Property" "Özellik"
1548         "Proposition" "Önerme"
1549         "Question" "Soru"
1550         "Remark" "Açıklama"
1551         "Scheme" "Plan"
1552         "Solution" "Çözüm"
1553         "Summary" "Özet"
1554         "Tableau" "Tablo"
1555         "Theorem" "Teorem"
1556         "page[[nomencl]]" "page"
1557         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "see equation"
1558 End
1560 Translation uk
1561         "Acknowledgement" "Подяка"
1562         "Acknowledgment" "Подяка"
1563         "Algorithm" "Алгоритм"
1564         "Assumption" "Припущення"
1565         "Axiom" "Аксіома"
1566         "Case" "Варіант"
1567         "Chart" "Діаграма"
1568         "Claim" "Твердження"
1569         "Conclusion" "Висновки"
1570         "Condition" "Умова"
1571         "Conjecture" "Припущення"
1572         "Corollary" "Наслідок"
1573         "Criterion" "Критерій"
1574         "Definition" "Визначення"
1575         "Example" "Приклад"
1576         "Exercise" "Вправа"
1577         "Fact" "Факт"
1578         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Графік"
1579         "Lemma" "Лема"
1580         "List of Algorithms" "Список алгоритмів"
1581         "List of Charts" "Список діаграм"
1582         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Список графіків"
1583         "List of Listings" "Список текстів програм"
1584         "List of Schemes" "Список схем"
1585         "List of Tableaux" "Список таблиць"
1586         "Listing" "Текст програми"
1587         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Тексти програм"
1588         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Позначення"
1589         "Notation" "Позначення"
1590         "Note" "Зауваження"
1591         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
1592         "Problem" "Задача"
1593         "Proof" "Доведення"
1594         "Property" "Властивість"
1595         "Proposition" "Твердження"
1596         "Question" "Питання"
1597         "Remark" "Примітка"
1598         "Scheme" "Схема"
1599         "Solution" "Розв'язування"
1600         "Summary" "Резюме"
1601         "Tableau" "Табло"
1602         "Theorem" "Теорема"
1603         "page[[nomencl]]" "стор."
1604         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "див."
1605 End
1607 Translation zh_CN
1608         "Acknowledgement" "致谢"
1609         "Acknowledgment" "致谢"
1610         "Algorithm" "算法"
1611         "Assumption" "假设"
1612         "Axiom" "公理"
1613         "Case" "项目"
1614         "Chart" "图表"
1615         "Claim" "声明"
1616         "Conclusion" "结论"
1617         "Condition" "条件"
1618         "Conjecture" "猜想"
1619         "Corollary" "推论"
1620         "Criterion" "准则"
1621         "Definition" "定义"
1622         "Example" "例"
1623         "Exercise" "练习"
1624         "Fact" "事实"
1625         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "图形"
1626         "Lemma" "引理"
1627         "List of Algorithms" "算法列表"
1628         "List of Charts" "图表列表"
1629         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "图形列表"
1630         "List of Listings" "程序列表的列表"
1631         "List of Schemes" "方案列表"
1632         "List of Tableaux" "图画列表"
1633         "Listing" "程序列表"
1634         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "列表列表"
1635         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "术语"
1636         "Notation" "记号"
1637         "Note" "备忘"
1638         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
1639         "Problem" "问题"
1640         "Proof" "证明"
1641         "Property" "属性"
1642         "Proposition" "命题"
1643         "Question" "问题"
1644         "Remark" "注"
1645         "Scheme" "方案"
1646         "Solution" "解答"
1647         "Summary" "小结"
1648         "Tableau" "图画"
1649         "Theorem" "定理"
1650         "page[[nomencl]]" "页"
1651         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "见公式"
1652 End
1654 Translation zh_TW
1655         "Acknowledgement" "致謝"
1656         "Acknowledgment" "致謝"
1657         "Algorithm" "演算法"
1658         "Assumption" "假設"
1659         "Axiom" "公理"
1660         "Case" "案例"
1661         "Chart" "圖表(Chart)"
1662         "Claim" "聲明"
1663         "Conclusion" "結論"
1664         "Condition" "條件"
1665         "Conjecture" "猜想"
1666         "Corollary" "推論"
1667         "Criterion" "準則"
1668         "Definition" "定義"
1669         "Example" "範例"
1670         "Exercise" "練習"
1671         "Fact" "事實"
1672         "Graph[[mathematical]]" "圖片(Graph)"
1673         "Lemma" "引理"
1674         "List of Algorithms" "演算法目錄"
1675         "List of Charts" "圖表(Charts) 目錄"
1676         "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "圖片(Graphs) 目錄"
1677         "List of Listings" "程式碼列表 清單"
1678         "List of Schemes" "方案 目錄"
1679         "List of Tableaux" "Tableaux 目錄"
1680         "Listing" "程式碼列表"
1681         "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "程式碼列表 清單"
1682         "Nomenclature[[output]]" "術語"
1683         "Notation" "記號"
1684         "Note" "註記"
1685         "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
1686         "Problem" "問題"
1687         "Proof" "證明"
1688         "Property" "性質"
1689         "Proposition" "命題"
1690         "Question" "問題"
1691         "Remark" "備註"
1692         "Scheme" "方案"
1693         "Solution" "解法"
1694         "Summary" "摘要"
1695         "Tableau" "Tableau"
1696         "Theorem" "定理"
1697         "page[[nomencl]]" "page"
1698         "see equation[[nomencl]]" "see equation"
1699 End