]> git.lyx.org Git - lyx.git/blob - autotests/export/latex/languages/supported-languages_polyglossia.lyx
supported-languages: update info on font subs
[lyx.git] / autotests / export / latex / languages / supported-languages_polyglossia.lyx
1 #LyX 2.4 created this file. For more info see https://www.lyx.org/
2 \lyxformat 589
3 \begin_document
4 \begin_header
5 \save_transient_properties true
6 \origin unavailable
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9 % Setup complementing fonts with Polyglossia:
11 % \newfontfamily\amharicfont{Noto Sans Ethiopic} % LuaTeX does not find it
12 \newfontfamily\churchslavonicfont{Monomakh Unicode}
13 \newfontfamily\devanagarifont{Noto Serif Devanagari}
14 \newfontfamily\hangulfont{Baekmuk Batang}
15 \newfontfamily\kannadafont{Noto Serif Kannada}
16 \newfontfamily\khmerfont{Noto Serif Khmer}
17 %\newfontfamily\laofont{Noto Serif Lao} % misses punctuation in current versions.
18 \newfontfamily\laofont{DejaVu Sans}
19 \newfontfamily\marathifont{FreeSerif} % gloss-marathi.ldf has a spelling error: "script=Devaganari"
20 %\newfontfamily\marathifont{Noto Serif Devanagari} % works, too
21 \newfontfamily\syriacfont{FreeSans}
22 \newfontfamily\tamilfont{Noto Serif Tamil}
23 \newfontfamily\telugufont{Noto Serif Telugu}
24 \newfontfamily\thaanafont{FreeSerif}  % missing script tag in FreeSerif
25 %\newfontfamily\thaanafont{Noto Sans Thaana} % works, too
26 \newfontfamily\tibetanfont{Noto Sans Tibetan}
28 % Font setup for Japanese (not supported by Polyglossia)
29 \usepackage{ifxetex}
30 \ifxetex
31   \usepackage{xeCJK} % https://ctan.org/pkg/xecjk
32   \setCJKmainfont{IPAexMincho}
33   \setCJKsansfont{IPAexGothic}
34 \else
35 % with LuaTeX, https://www.ctan.org/pkg/luatexja
36 % see https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/222980/how-to-use-chinese-with-lualatex
37 % Unfortunately, this conflicts with Korean font setup via Polyglossia
38 % and leads to missing glyphs: (church slavonic ⁙ (U+2059)) and
39 % typographical quotes).
40 % \ifdefined\luatexversion
41 %   %\usepackage{luatexja-fontspec}
42 %   \usepackage[match]{luatexja-fontspec}
43 %   % use Mainfont for Greek and Cyrillic:
44 %   \ltjsetparameter{jacharrange={-2}}
45 %   \setmainjfont{IPAexMincho}
46 %   \setsansjfont{IPAexGothic}
47 %   %\setmonojfont{WenQuanYi Micro Hei Mono}
48 \fi
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51 \begin_modules
52 enumitem
53 \end_modules
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60 \font_sans "biolinum" "FreeSans"
61 \font_typewriter "default" "FreeMono"
62 \font_math "auto" "auto"
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70 \font_tt_scale 100 100
71 \font_cjk gbsn
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120 \end_branch
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122 \selected 0
123 \filename_suffix 0
124 \color #faf0e6
125 \end_branch
126 \branch non-TeX-fonts-only
127 \selected 1
128 \filename_suffix 0
129 \color #faf0e6
130 \end_branch
131 \branch polyglossia-only
132 \selected 1
133 \filename_suffix 0
134 \color #faf0e6
135 \end_branch
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137 \selected 0
138 \filename_suffix 0
139 \color #faf0e6
140 \end_branch
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142 \selected 0
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145 \end_branch
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147 \selected 1
148 \filename_suffix 0
149 \color #faf0e6
150 \end_branch
151 \branch conflict-es-gl
152 \selected 0
153 \filename_suffix 0
154 \color #faf0e6
155 \end_branch
156 \branch conflict-bg-mk
157 \selected 1
158 \filename_suffix 0
159 \color #faf0e6
160 \end_branch
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162 \selected 1
163 \filename_suffix 0
164 \color #faf0e6
165 \end_branch
166 \branch standalone
167 \selected 0
168 \filename_suffix 0
169 \color #faf0e6
170 \end_branch
171 \branch conflict-luatex
172 \selected 0
173 \filename_suffix 0
174 \color #faf0e6
175 \end_branch
176 \branch conflict-ko
177 \selected 0
178 \filename_suffix 0
179 \color #faf0e6
180 \end_branch
181 \index Stichwortverzeichnis
182 \shortcut idx
183 \color #008000
184 \end_index
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202 \end_header
204 \begin_body
206 \begin_layout Title
207 Languages supported by LyX
208 \end_layout
210 \begin_layout Standard
211 With language examples that work with 
212 \emph on
213 Polyglossia,
214 \emph default
215  XeTeX or LuaTeX, and 
216 \begin_inset Quotes eld
217 \end_inset
219 non-TeX fonts
220 \begin_inset Quotes erd
221 \end_inset
223 .
224 \end_layout
226 \begin_layout Standard
227 Some languages require set up of a complementary font in the 
228 \emph on
229 user preamble
230 \emph default
231  (
232 \family sans
233 Document\SpecialChar menuseparator
234 Settings\SpecialChar menuseparator
235 LaTeX preamble
236 \family default
237 ).
238 \end_layout
240 \begin_layout Standard
241 \begin_inset CommandInset include
242 LatexCommand input
243 filename "supported-languages.lyx"
244 literal "false"
246 \end_inset
249 \end_layout
251 \end_body
252 \end_document