]> git.lyx.org Git - lyx.git/blob - autotests/export/docbook/basic.xml
DocBook: fix indentation for section titles (including stars).
[lyx.git] / autotests / export / docbook / basic.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!-- This DocBook file was created by LyX 2.4.0dev
3   See http://www.lyx.org/ for more information -->
4 <article xml:lang="en_US" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" version="5.2">
5 <info>
6 <title>I am a title</title>
7 <author>
8 <personname>I am an author</personname>
9 </author>
10 <date>I am a date</date>
11 <abstract>
12 <para>I am an abstract</para>
13 <para>I am also an abstract</para>
14 </abstract>
15 </info>
16 <section xml:id="sec.Sec-1">
17 <title>I am the first section </title>
18 <para>I am the first paragraph of the first section. </para>
19 <para>I am the second paragraph of the first section. </para>
20 <blockquote>
21 <para>I am a quote<inlineequation>
22 <alt role='tex'>\,with\,a\,formula</alt>
23  <m:math>
25  <m:mrow>
26   <m:mrow><m:mspace width="6px" /><m:mi>w</m:mi><m:mi>i</m:mi><m:mi>t</m:mi><m:mi>h</m:mi><m:mspace width="6px" /><m:mi>a</m:mi><m:mspace width="6px" /><m:mi>f</m:mi><m:mi>o</m:mi><m:mi>r</m:mi><m:mi>m</m:mi><m:mi>u</m:mi><m:mi>l</m:mi><m:mi>a</m:mi>
27   </m:mrow>
28  </m:mrow>
29  </m:math>
30 </inlineequation>. </para>
31 </blockquote>
32 <para>Now, we're outside quotes.</para>
33 <para><informalequation>
34 <alt role='tex'>Formula!</alt>
35  <m:math>
37  <m:mrow>
38   <m:mrow><m:mi>F</m:mi><m:mi>o</m:mi><m:mi>r</m:mi><m:mi>m</m:mi><m:mi>u</m:mi><m:mi>l</m:mi><m:mi>a</m:mi><m:mo>!</m:mo>
39   </m:mrow>
40  </m:mrow>
41  </m:math>
42 </informalequation><informalequation xml:id="eq.EQ.">
43 <alt role='tex'>\text{I am a formula with a ref.}\label{eq:EQ.}</alt>
44  <m:math>
46  <m:mrow>
47   <m:mstyle mathvariant='normal'>
48    <m:mrow><m:mi>I</m:mi>&#0160;<m:mi>a</m:mi><m:mi>m</m:mi>&#0160;<m:mi>a</m:mi>&#0160;<m:mi>f</m:mi><m:mi>o</m:mi><m:mi>r</m:mi><m:mi>m</m:mi><m:mi>u</m:mi><m:mi>l</m:mi><m:mi>a</m:mi>&#0160;<m:mi>w</m:mi><m:mi>i</m:mi><m:mi>t</m:mi><m:mi>h</m:mi>&#0160;<m:mi>a</m:mi>&#0160;<m:mi>r</m:mi><m:mi>e</m:mi><m:mi>f</m:mi><m:mn>.</m:mn>
49    </m:mrow>
50   </m:mstyle>
51  </m:mrow>
52  </m:math>
53 </informalequation></para>
54 <para>See <xref linkend="sec.Sec-2kqgsdiflhqsdlifgjuzer-povtuizmvnuer-t-vmsrmfli--uh--a--rtpfuo----rtpc.m-ca-rgifzapeu-tvgz" />.</para>
55 <para>Also, a formula with an user-defined macro that outputs well in LaTeX but cannot in MathML (hence replaced by picture): <inlineequation>
56 <alt role='tex'>\testmacro</alt>
57 <mathphrase>MathML export failed. Please report this as a bug.</mathphrase>
58 </inlineequation>. </para>
59 <!-- \latexCommandThatShouldBeCommented -->
60 <section>
61 <title>I am the first subsection</title>
62 <para>I am the only paragraph of the first subsection. </para>
63 </section>
64 <section>
65 <title>I am the second subsection</title>
66 <para>I am the only paragraph of the second subsection. </para>
67 </section>
68 </section>
69 <section xml:id="sec.Sec-2kqgsdiflhqsdlifgjuzer-povtuizmvnuer-t-vmsrmfli--uh--a--rtpfuo----rtpc.m-ca-rgifzapeu-tvgz">
70 <title>I am the second section </title>
71 <para>I am the only paragraph of the second section. <link xlink:href="http://example.org">Hyperlink.</link> &#8220;Text between quotes.&#8221;</para>
72 <para>See <xref linkend="sec.Sec-1" />.</para>
73 </section>
74 <section>
75 <title>I am the third section and I have fun with lists</title>
76 <orderedlist>
77 <listitem>
78 <para>First item. </para>
79 <para>Second line of the first item, after a line break. </para>
80 </listitem>
81 <listitem>
82 <para>Second item. </para>
83 </listitem>
84 </orderedlist>
85 <itemizedlist>
86 <listitem>
87 <para>Item has no order (1). </para>
88 </listitem>
89 <listitem>
90 <para>Item has no order (2). </para>
91 </listitem>
92 </itemizedlist>
93 <variablelist>
94 <varlistentry>
95 <term>Word</term>
96 <listitem>
97 <para>description</para>
98 </listitem>
99 </varlistentry>
100 <varlistentry>
101 <term>Sentence</term>
102 <listitem>
103 <para>meaning</para>
104 </listitem>
105 </varlistentry>
106 </variablelist>
107 </section>
108 <section>
109 <title>I am the fourth section and I deal with formatting. </title>
110 <para>The following paragraph should be code. </para>
111 <para><programlisting>I am some code. 
112 I am a second line of code. 
113 </programlisting>I am no more code. </para>
114 <para>This line has inline code. <code>This has typewriter font</code><footnote>
115 <para>I repeat that in a footnote.</para>
116 </footnote>. </para>
117 <para>On the other hand, <footnote>
118 <para>this footnote</para>
119 <para>has multiple </para>
120 <para>paragraphs.</para>
121 </footnote>. </para>
122 </section>
123 <section>
124 <title>I am the fifth section and I deal with floats</title>
125 <para>Now, three tables: </para>
126 <table>
127 <caption>I am a table caption below the table.</caption>
128 <tbody>
129 <tr>
130 <td align='center' valign='top'>Table 1</td>
131 <td align='center' valign='top'>Table 2</td>
132 <td align='center' valign='top'>Table 3</td>
133 </tr>
134 <tr>
135 <td align='center' valign='top'>Row 1</td>
136 <td align='center' valign='top'></td>
137 <td align='center' valign='top'>Col 3, row 1</td>
138 </tr>
139 <tr>
140 <td align='center' valign='top'>Row 2</td>
141 <td align='center' valign='top'></td>
142 <td align='center' valign='top'>Col 3, row 2</td>
143 </tr>
144 </tbody>
145 </table>
146 <table>
147 <caption>I am a table caption above the table.</caption>
148 <tbody>
149 <tr>
150 <td align='center' valign='top'>Table 1</td>
151 <td align='center' valign='top'>Table 2</td>
152 <td align='center' valign='top'>Table 3</td>
153 </tr>
154 <tr>
155 <td align='center' valign='top'>Row 1</td>
156 <td align='center' valign='top'></td>
157 <td align='center' valign='top'>Col 3, row 1</td>
158 </tr>
159 <tr>
160 <td align='center' valign='top'>Row 2</td>
161 <td align='center' valign='top'></td>
162 <td align='center' valign='top'>Col 3, row 2</td>
163 </tr>
164 </tbody>
165 </table>
166 <table>
167 <tbody>
168 <tr>
169 <td align='center' valign='top'>Table that has no caption 1</td>
170 <td align='center' valign='top'>Table that has no caption 2</td>
171 <td align='center' valign='top'>Table that has no caption 3</td>
172 </tr>
173 <tr>
174 <td align='center' valign='top'>Row 1</td>
175 <td align='center' valign='top'></td>
176 <td align='center' valign='top'>Col 3, row 1</td>
177 </tr>
178 <tr>
179 <td align='center' valign='top'>Row 2</td>
180 <td align='center' valign='top'></td>
181 <td align='center' valign='top'>Col 3, row 2</td>
182 </tr>
183 </tbody>
184 </table>
186 <para>Then, one figure: </para>
187 <figure>
188 <title>Caption.</title>
189 <mediaobject>
190 <imageobject>
191 <imagedata fileref="D:/LyX/lyx-unstable/autotests/export/docbook/lyx-logo.png"  />
192 </imageobject>
193 </mediaobject>
194 </figure>
195 </section>
196 <section>
197 <title>I am the sixth section and I really like bibliographies</title>
198 <para>This text has references. First reference: <biblioref endterm="big" />. Second reference: <biblioref endterm="small" />. Both at the same time: <biblioref endterm="big" />, <biblioref endterm="small" />. A book: <biblioref endterm="Gro60" />. </para>
199 <para>Many things, just testing for completeness: <biblioref endterm="article" />, <biblioref endterm="book" />, <biblioref endterm="booklet" />, <biblioref endterm="conference" />, <biblioref endterm="inbook" />, <biblioref endterm="incollection" />. </para>
200 </section>
201 <section>
202 <title>I am the seventh section and I deal with indices</title>
203 <para>First, a term to index: <indexterm type="idx"><primary>Term to index</primary></indexterm>. Then a term to add to the second index: <indexterm type="oth"><primary>Term to add to the second index</primary></indexterm>. </para>
204 <para>Then several terms for the first index: <indexterm type="idx"><primary>Term</primary><secondary>to</secondary><tertiary>index</tertiary></indexterm>. </para>
205 <para>With a see: <indexterm type="idx"><primary>Term</primary><see>index</see></indexterm>. With a see also: <indexterm type="idx"><primary>Term</primary><seealso>index</seealso></indexterm>. </para>
206 <para>Several terms with a see: <indexterm type="idx"><primary>Term</primary><secondary>to</secondary><tertiary>index</tertiary><see>index</see></indexterm>. Several terms with a see also: <indexterm type="idx"><primary>Term</primary><secondary>to</secondary><tertiary>index</tertiary><seealso>index</seealso></indexterm>. </para>
207 <para>A start of range: <indexterm type="idx" class="startofrange" xml:id="Term-to-index"><primary>Term to index</primary></indexterm>. The corresponding end of range: <indexterm type="idx" class="endofrange" startref="Term-to-index"><primary>Term to index</primary></indexterm>.</para>
208 <para>Several terms with a start of range: <indexterm type="idx" class="startofrange" xml:id="Term.to.index"><primary>Term</primary><secondary>to</secondary><tertiary>index</tertiary></indexterm>. The corresponding end of range: <indexterm type="idx" class="endofrange" startref="Term.to.index"><primary>Term</primary><secondary>to</secondary><tertiary>index</tertiary></indexterm>.</para>
209 <para>These terms already appeared before! Start of range: <indexterm type="idx" class="startofrange" xml:id="Term.to.index-0"><primary>Term</primary><secondary>to</secondary><tertiary>index</tertiary></indexterm>. The corresponding end of range: <indexterm type="idx" class="endofrange" startref="Term.to.index-0"><primary>Term</primary><secondary>to</secondary><tertiary>index</tertiary></indexterm>.</para>
210 </section>
211 <section>
212 <title>I am the eight section and I deal with star sections</title>
213 <bridgehead renderas='other' otherrenderas='part'>Star part</bridgehead>
214 <bridgehead renderas="sect1">Star section (sect1)</bridgehead>
215 <bridgehead renderas="sect2">Star subsection (sect2)</bridgehead>
216 <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Star subsubsection (sect3)</bridgehead>
217 <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Star paragraph (sect4)</bridgehead>
218 <bridgehead renderas="sect5">Star subparagraph (sect5)</bridgehead>
219 </section>
220 <bibliography>
221 <title>References</title>
222 <biblioentry xml:id="article">
223 <title>The title of the work</title><volumenum>4</volumenum><artpagenums>201-213</artpagenums><bibliomisc role="type">article</bibliomisc>
224 <pubdate>1993</pubdate>
225 <biblioset relation="journal">
226 <title>The name of the journal</title>
227 </biblioset>
228 <authorgroup><author>
229 <personname>
230 <firstname>Peter</firstname>
231 <surname>Adams</surname>
232 </personname>
233 </author>
234 </authorgroup>
235 <biblioid class="pubsnumber">2</biblioid>
236 <bibliomisc role="note">An optional note</bibliomisc>
237 </biblioentry>
238 <biblioentry xml:id="book">
239 <title>The title of the work</title><volumenum>4</volumenum><edition>3</edition><bibliomisc role="type">book</bibliomisc>
240 <publisher>
241 <publishername>The name of the publisher</publishername>
242 <address>The address</address></publisher>
243 <pubdate>1993</pubdate>
244 <authorgroup><author>
245 <personname>
246 <firstname>Peter</firstname>
247 <surname>Babington</surname>
248 </personname>
249 </author>
250 </authorgroup>
251 <bibliomisc role="note">An optional note</bibliomisc>
252 </biblioentry>
253 <biblioentry xml:id="booklet">
254 <title>The title of the work</title><bibliomisc role="type">booklet</bibliomisc>
255 <pubdate>1993</pubdate>
256 <authorgroup><author>
257 <personname>
258 <firstname>Peter</firstname>
259 <surname>Caxton</surname>
260 </personname>
261 </author>
262 </authorgroup>
263 </biblioentry>
264 <biblioentry xml:id="conference">
265 <title>The title of the work</title><artpagenums>213</artpagenums><bibliomisc role="type">conference</bibliomisc>
266 <publisher>
267 <publishername>The publisher</publishername>
268 </publisher>
269 <pubdate>1993</pubdate>
270 <authorgroup><author>
271 <personname>
272 <firstname>Peter</firstname>
273 <surname>Draper</surname>
274 </personname>
275 </author>
276 </authorgroup>
277 </biblioentry>
278 <biblioentry xml:id="inbook">
279 <title>The title of the work</title><artpagenums>201-213</artpagenums><bibliomisc role="type">inbook</bibliomisc>
280 <publisher>
281 <publishername>The name of the publisher</publishername>
282 </publisher>
283 <pubdate>1993</pubdate>
284 <authorgroup><author>
285 <personname>
286 <firstname>Peter</firstname>
287 <surname>Eston</surname>
288 </personname>
289 </author>
290 </authorgroup>
291 </biblioentry>
292 <biblioentry xml:id="incollection">
293 <title>The title of the work</title><volumenum>4</volumenum><edition>3</edition><artpagenums>201-213</artpagenums><bibliomisc role="type">incollection</bibliomisc>
294 <publisher>
295 <publishername>The name of the publisher</publishername>
296 <address>The address of the publisher</address></publisher>
297 <pubdate>1993</pubdate>
298 <biblioset relation="book">
299 <title>The title of the book</title>
300 </biblioset>
301 <authorgroup><author>
302 <personname>
303 <firstname>Peter</firstname>
304 <surname>Farindon</surname>
305 </personname>
306 </author>
307 </authorgroup>
308 <bibliomisc role="note">An optional note</bibliomisc>
309 </biblioentry>
310 <biblioentry xml:id="small">
311 <title>A small paper</title><volumenum>-1</volumenum><bibliomisc role="type">article</bibliomisc>
312 <pubdate>1997</pubdate>
313 <biblioset relation="journal">
314 <title>The journal of small papers</title>
315 </biblioset>
316 <authorgroup><author>
317 <personname>
318 <surname>Freely</surname>
319 <othername role="suffix">I. P.</othername>
320 </personname>
321 </author>
322 <author>
323 <personname>
324 <firstname>Ditto</firstname>
325 <surname>Johannes</surname>
326 </personname>
327 </author>
328 </authorgroup>
329 <bibliomisc role="note">to appear</bibliomisc>
330 </biblioentry>
331 <biblioentry xml:id="Gro60">
332 <title>Éléments de géométrie algébrique</title><bibliomisc role="type">book</bibliomisc>
333 <pubdate>1960</pubdate>
334 <authorgroup><author>
335 <personname>
336 <firstname>Alexander</firstname>
337 <surname>Grothendieck</surname>
338 </personname>
339 </author>
340 </authorgroup>
341 </biblioentry>
342 <biblioentry xml:id="big">
343 <title>A big paper</title><volumenum>MCMXCVII</volumenum><bibliomisc role="type">article</bibliomisc>
344 <pubdate>7991</pubdate>
345 <biblioset relation="journal">
346 <title>The journal of big papers</title>
347 </biblioset>
348 <authorgroup><author>
349 <personname>
350 <firstname>Hugh</firstname>
351 <surname>Jass</surname>
352 </personname>
353 </author>
354 </authorgroup>
355 </biblioentry>
356 </bibliography></article>